October 22, 2024
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Ask Astrology

The mineral world, especially when considering crystals and gemstones, has a great influence on your everyday life, most notably through the vibrations they radiate, affecting your body, your mind, and your environment.

No one can escape the influence of precious stones and crystals, whether at home, in the workplace, or anywhere one might go. Indeed, everyone lives on Earth and is thus within range of the mineral world’s vibrations.

The Benefits of Gemstones are Ready for You

The mineral world opens a door to many possibilities in every aspect of your life. It allows you to harness your abilities to their maximum potential, turning flaws into assets that improve your life and help others in need.

You should treat gemstones and crystals as living beings. They are part of one of the great realms recognized by science, including the mineral, plant, and animal realms, with Humanity being part of the latter.

As such, minerals are considered living beings, even though their life cycle spans millions of years, far longer than vegetables, animals, or humans.

Clean, Charge and Recharge

Therefore, give them your full attention. Take care of them by cleaning them as soon as you receive them, using pure fresh water if possible. Charge them with your energy before use by placing your hands over them or holding them in your hands and sending positive thoughts their way.

Furthermore, ensure you are the only person who wears and uses them. Over time, gemstones and crystals will charge with greater amounts of your energy.

This process will make them more effective and help you achieve your dreams in every aspect of your life.

Crystals and Gemstones for your Zodiac Sign

You should try and benefit from their blessings by selecting the gemstones and crystals most suited to your sign in the Zodiac.

As such, there are a great number of gemstones and crystals that can cleanse and protect your home and improve your vitality.

An abundance of blessings can be detrimental though because several minerals have properties that can sometimes be similar, which makes it difficult to select the right one.

Fortunately, there are crystals and gemstones connected to each astrological sign and they can help to improve your existence.

Ask Astrology allows you to select the minerals that are most suited to your astrological sign and to what you are trying to do, either to cleanse your environment (especially your home), bolster your overall well-being, have more energy, or achieve your goals.


Aries crystals and gemstones

Aries people love to take risks and walk headfirst. They find it easy to look at the bigger picture and can make decisions that are often wise and fair.

Aries are creative and have a generous nature. The following gemstones will help Aries people improve their abilities and remove any obstacles. Thanks to their astrological stones, Aries people will better handle the impatience that can overtake them when things are not moving fast enough or do not go their way.

Beneficial crystals and gemstones for Aries

Amethyst, Citrine, Cornelian, Rock crystal, Sodalite, Hematite, Garnet, Red or Blood Jasper, Labradorite, Lapis lazuli, Tiger’s eye, Ruby, Pink Tourmaline or Rubellite, Turquoise.

The most suited gemstones for an Aries are Lapis lazuli and Sodalite. These will let them succeed in their seduction attempts, be more effective with their persuasion abilities, and let people know about their feelings through their dreams or instinctively through their hearts.

All these gemstones will help any Aries person express what they feel and lead a thrilling love life that will offer them all the satisfaction they crave.

As a protection stone or to attract luck, Sodalite is particularly recommended for Aries people.

This stone will let Aries person strengthen their abilities at work, focus more intensely on the fulfillment of their project, and improve their relationships with the people they work with, or those they are about to ask for some help, whether it is advice or support.


Taurus crystals and gemstones

Taurus people love to plant their roots and care about who they are. They often go out of their way to better know themselves because finding their roots is fundamental for their personal balance. Taurus looks for beauty and perfection in all things.

They strive to get better and let beauty triumph around them. Likewise, they like noble feelings and have (or express) some kind of elegance that stands at the core of their charisma and seduction skills.

Taurus like beauty in any shape or form so their aesthetic taste is refined, and they will enjoy any pleasure life will offer them. Sapphire will let them find their balance in all things, and to express their inner aesthetics.

Beneficial gemstones for Taurus

Agate, Aventurine, Rock crystal, Citrine, Coral, Emerald, Green Jade, Lapis lazuli, Labradorite, Malachite, Tiger’s eye, Rose Quartz, Red Calcite, Hematite, Garnet, Malachite, Sapphire, Turquoise.

Taurus people need long-term relationships, they do not like when things are moving too fast or when passions are under the spotlight.

They want to find stability in this area and can be extremely sensual in order to sate their passion and urges. In this context, Sapphire is a stone that will be quite helpful in that regard.

Taurus people have little patience for romantic disagreements and can be extremely violent during a breakup. They can nurture their resentment for a long while, as it is hard for them to move on. In order to make any such breakup easier, Green Jade would be the stone of choice.

Tiger’s eye and Lapis lazuli will specifically help Taurus people to be successful with their projects, better organized, and to keep their cool at all times, allowing them to express their boundless creativity.


Gemini crystals and gemstones

Gemini people are socially gifted and can easily fit in anywhere because they can quickly adapt to outside circumstances and new people they meet. Geminis are gifted in communication and have high persuasion skills.

Geminis are passionate about many things, very curious, and eager to assimilate new knowledge. They are interested in many topics.

However, they can sometimes have a hard time focusing on specific goals and working to further these on a regular basis. The gemstones described below will help them focus on these tasks and see their projects through.

Beneficial gemstones for Gemini

Agate, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Blue or Yellow Chalcedony, Citrine, Rock Crystal, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger’s eye, Pyrite, Topaz, Azurite, Cornelian, Garnet, Quartz Rose, Labradorite, Malachite, Turquoise.

Gemini people can be extremely sensitive and can have a hard time keeping their emotions in check. They need a lot of affection and love, and loneliness is particularly unbearable for them.

Gemini people can be shy when it comes to expressing their feelings. In order to solve these mental blocks, Geminis are advised to wear, carry, or keep close to some Lapis lazuli or Turquoise. This will help them overcome their shyness and let them express what they need or want.

A Gemini person needs a gemstone in order to be protected through their business trips, holiday travels, or any actions related to such a project because they tend to be bold and take risks. In these cases, Gemini people are advised to wear, carry, or keep close to some Labradorite or Malachite.

The latter will also be helpful to make them successful, or at least work on it on a regular basis. Malachite will set a Gemini person on the path of self-improvement and will facilitate the use of their communication skills to convince people that might help. Their ability to negotiate will be increased by a factor of ten through Rose Quartz.


Cancer crystals and gemstones

A Cancer person is usually very loyal and faithful. You can always trust them. Cancer is looking for stability in their personal life, and favor strong connections with their family, friends, or any other kind of relationship: this is where they find their balance.

Cancer people are very sensitive, sometimes overly emotional, and it is hard for them to keep their feelings, emotions, and reactions in, check. They are also extremely sensitive to other people’s opinions. They are weak against straight criticism and can be easily offended.

Beneficial crystals and gemstones for Cancer

Citrine, Coral, Cornelian, Emerald, Jade, Labradorite, Tiger’s eye, Opal, Moonstone, Agate, Rock crystal, Selenite, Green Jasper, Moonstone, Rose, or Smoky Quartz.

Cancer tends to shy away from criticism, afraid of what other people might think. They are looking for peace and quiet, avoiding problems related to that domain. They try to live in their comfort zone.

Cancer people need to feel good in their personal life in order to live a harmonious existence. Citrine can be extremely helpful in that regard because it favors problem-solving and lets them make their dreams come true.

Cancer individuals succeed when they are on top of the pyramid or control important decisions and plans. They need a limited inner circle of trustworthy people to maintain control over situations.

If you are a Cancer, ensure these conditions are met before committing to any project you want to see succeed.

To avoid mental blocks, wasted time, and delays, Cancer people should use Emerald and Tiger’s Eye. The latter also boosts imagination and inspires original ideas and the strength to put them into practice.


Leo crystals and gemstones

Someone under the sign of Leo usually has a strong character and the soul of a leader. They like to move forward and be in charge. Leo people should nonetheless control themselves because they tend to impose their own ideas and can be lacking in tolerance. They can keep these flaws in check by wearing one or more of the gemstones below.

This authoritarian aspect must be kept under control, using that energy to persuade other people rather than ordering them around and forcing them to help with their goals.

Beneficial gemstones for Leo

Amber, Citrine, Rock crystal, Garnet, Tiger’s eye, Malachite, Olivine (or Peridot), Onyx, Quartz rose, Agate Noire, Calcite Orange, Cornelian, Red Jasper, Lapis lazuli, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Topaz.

A Leo person is looking for a kind of stability. When they feel loved, they can give their all to their significant other or anyone proving to be a true friend. Gemstones like Amber, Rock crystal, or Cornelian would be advised to help Leo people in that regard.

Even when a Leo person seems strong on the outside, they can often hide an extremely sensitive soul and can be extremely affected by any kind of sentimental problem, disappointment in love, or break up. Citrine will help them overcome this bad news and get over it all.

Leo people are famous for their boldness, ambition, and urge to keep improving themselves, getting better and better, and improving their personal situation. They have a knack for organization and their rigor can be turned into an asset for their success.

A Leo can strengthen their merits and stay on the right path by using gemstones such as Onyx, Tiger’s eye, Garnet, or Rock crystal.

Leo people hate routine and need to express their great creativity, giving birth to new concepts and ideas. Tiger’s eye or Lapis lazuli will stimulate their imagination, the latter making them bold enough to make their dreams come true.


Virgo crystals and gemstones

Someone born under the sign of Virgo is known to be very rational, caution, or even too cautious at times. They usually do not like sudden changes and need time to perform changes in their existence.

Virgo people are meticulous, they pay close attention to details. They need to organize everything and think about it a lot before committing to anything. This meticulousness can be annoying for other people because often they will see it as OCD.

Virgo is not easy at first sight, they can seem distant, haughty, or cold. In truth, this is a way to protect themselves and hide their great sensitivity and shyness.

Beneficial gemstones for Virgo

Amber, Amethyst, Celestine, Citrine, Jasper, Lapis lazuli, Tiger’s eye, Sapphire, Turquoise, Amber, Cornelian, Fluorine, Rock crystal, Sodalite.

Given their great sensitivity and even shyness, Virgo people do not often manage to confess their feelings, afraid of being rejected for their lack of confidence.

In order to make it easier to express their feelings, most notably in a romantic context, Virgo people should carry or wear gemstones such as Cornelian, Lapis lazuli, or Sodalite.

A Virgo is extremely demanding and does not take any commitment lightly. They might be a little too unbending in love, but gemstones like Cornelian or Rock crystal can grant them more flexibility.

Virgo people have many assets to help them succeed through their organization skills, perfectionism, and ability to provide constant efforts in the long term.

The issue with their meticulousness is that it can become a problem when Virgo people give too much importance to minor details.

In order to compensate for a certain lack of confidence, Virgo people can wear or carry Citrine, Rose Quartz, or Celestine.


Libra crystals and gemstones

People under the sign of Libra can be extremely flexible and easily adapt to circumstances and people.

They need to find some balance in every aspect of their life, not necessarily to be happy, but simply to feel good. Libra does not like conflicts and will avoid problems.

When they have to face a difficult situation, they would favor a peaceful resolution over any conflict, compromising rather than arguing.

Libra people love material comfort and love anything that is beautiful, and sometimes expensive. Gemstones such as Tiger’s eye or Peridot can curb their enthusiasm in that area when needed.

Beneficial gemstones for Libra

Aquamarine, Yellow Jade, Jasper, Tiger’s eye, Opal, Peridot, Smoky or Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Golden Topaz, Rock crystal, Quartz Rose, Lapis lazuli, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Citrine, Malachite.

Libra people seek long-term, serious relationships and do not make commitments lightly. They remain loyal and devoted to their significant other, both body and soul.

Furthermore, they can be very passionate over the long term. As ideal partners, they always try to please each other and smooth out conflicts rather than worsen them. In this context, recommended gemstones for Libra people include Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine, and Tourmaline.

A Libra person is a fighter who knows when to take a reasonable amount of risks. They can be bold but will never commit to any project without a lengthy prior study about the potential consequences of their actions. Usually, Libra people know how to wisely select people they associate with in any domain.

People often rely on Libra’s opinion because they know how to be strict but fair. Their assets can do wonders in any domain requiring prior discussions or debates to find solutions. These merits can be strengthened through the use of gemstones such as Moonstone, Jasper, and Opal.


Scorpio crystals and gemstones

Someone born under the sign of Scorpio is an idealist that loves to fight for a great cause, or against injustice. They are courageous, loyal, and bold. Scorpio people are faithful and do not easily change their minds. They are trustworthy people and can be entrusted with any secret because they will keep them without betraying you.

Scorpios are also honest and straightforward people that never give in to hypocrisy. Sometimes their great honesty might hurt other people’s feelings, but this is in their nature. Usually, Scorpio people achieve what they set out to do because they are extremely demanding and never commit lightly to any project they undertake.

Beneficial gemstones for Scorpio

Agate, Aquamarine, Amethyst, Cornelian, Garnet, Hematite, Red or Blood Jasper, Lapis lazuli, Malachite, Black Obsidian, Quartz, Ruby, Rock crystal, Sodalite, Turquoise.

Scorpio people tend not to toy with others’ feelings. They seek serious relationships and need to feel safe. Consequently, Scorpio individuals can seem anxious or jealous when worried about even the tiniest sign, even if it means nothing.

To alleviate anxiety, fear, and doubt, Scorpio people should use Aquamarine, Hematite, Red Jasper, Blood Jasper, or Malachite.

Additionally, a Scorpio person can sometimes lack confidence in matters of the heart and often second-guesses romantic decisions. To restore confidence in a romantic context, gemstones like Amethyst, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, and Rock Crystal will help them express their feelings.

Related to abundance

A Scorpio person is a perfectionist who is rarely satisfied with anything they do. They always strive to improve themselves or take on bold projects. With a strong sense of responsibility, they eagerly accept any task they are entrusted with. They say what they mean and always go straight to the point.

To strengthen their positive qualities, Scorpio people can turn to gemstones like Aquamarine, Black Obsidian, Sodalite, or Turquoise.

Moreover, a Scorpio person needs strong motivation to work steadily on their path to success. They must keep thinking about their goals to avoid spreading themselves thin. To avoid distractions, they should wear Aquamarine or Dark Obsidian.


Sagittarius gemstones

Someone born under the sign of Sagittarius cares about their independence and finds it routinely unbearable. They hate to be ordered around or to be forced to follow a set of rules. They relish their freedom and can react harshly or violently whenever they feel that it is threatened.

Sagittarius is interested in many topics, but it can be hard for them to make a choice and drop out of certain activities to find time for others. Given how hard it is for them to make a decision, they can drop out of any project at any time.

Beneficial gemstones for Sagittarius

Amethyst, Citrine, Lapis lazuli, Opal, Sapphire, Sodalite, Topaz, Rock crystal, Black Agate, Amethyst, Black Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Turquoise.

A Sagittarius person tends to be wary of serious commitments, even if they long for true love. They prefer to take their time in this area and may move from one fling to the next before choosing to commit seriously.

Even then, a Sagittarius might break off any commitment on a whim if they meet someone they like more.

Sagittarius people love freedom in relationships, and their passion can fade as quickly as it flares up. To help a Sagittarius person acquire more stability in love, recommend Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, and Black Obsidian.

Sagittarius people can often get passionate about many projects but it is hard for them to see them through because if they can’t find a strong motivation against it they tend to drop out halfway through.

Sometimes they find it hard to choose between several options, but once they have set a course for themselves they are nigh impossible to stop! In order to help them work on their projects on a regular basis, Sagittarius people should favor Topaz, Obsidian, or Turquoise.


Capricorn crystals and gemstones

People under the sign of Capricorn are extremely sensitive, which can easily turn into shyness that can paralyze them when it comes to expressing their feelings or in their behavior among other people in any endeavor.

Capricorn people tend to be quiet and calm people with a temper that is easily kept in check. They solve problems through compromise and never add fuel to the fire in an argument, disagreement, or conflict with other people.

Beneficial gemstones for Capricorn

Ruby, Labradorite, Rock crystal, Jet, Jasper, Obsidian Noire, Moonstone, Smoky Quartz, Black Agate, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Turquoise, Tiger’s eye.

Someone born under the sign of Capricorn can be quite difficult and demanding. As a result, they may struggle to make commitments due to their personal requirements.

Behind their reserved demeanor, a Capricorn can be extremely passionate in their personal life. However, they often find it hard to express genuine emotions.

To help overcome shyness and express feelings, Capricorn people should acquire Citrine, Rose Quartz, or Rock Crystal.

Capricorn people find it hard to improvise and have to focus on a plan that has been designed beforehand, with extremely clear milestones every step of the way. Ruby and Smoky Quartz are recommended to help them in that regard.

Ruby, Tiger’s Eye, and Moonstone are good options that can help with the success of these bold actions.

Once they have decided on a course of action, it is hard to slow down or even follow a Capricorn, as their ability to innovate tends to keep them one step ahead of the pack. Jasper and Rock Crystal will be extremely helpful for them to explain to other people what they expect of them.


Aquarius crystals and gemstones

Someone born under the sign of Aquarius is extremely sensitive and highly intelligent. Aquarius people are idealists and hate lies of all kinds, looking for the truth in every aspect, and refusing any kind of compromise.

Aquarius cares about their values and tries to uphold a high level of honesty and righteousness in their relationships with others. Failing that, it is hard for them to face themselves in the mirror when they act against their core principles, especially if they have to deceive other people.

Beneficial crystals and gemstones for Aquarius

Garnet, Agate, Citrine, Jasper, Morganite, Opal, Rock crystal, Sapphire, Turquoise, Amethyst, Jade de Chine, Apache Tears, Rose Quartz, Hawk-Eye, Selenite, Blue Topaz.

Aquarius people enjoy codependent relationships but need the freedom to move. They tend to dislike following too many obligations, and their freedom is important. Additionally, Aquarius individuals can get easily bored and hate any kind of routine.

Moreover, Aquarius seeks originality and prefers to get off the beaten path in love. Therefore, they need a partner with a very open mind.

However, this does not mean Aquarius people are shallow—far from it. They love balanced relationships based on honesty and truthfulness.

To feel secure in relationships and maintain them long-term, Aquarius people can turn to gemstones such as Rose Quartz, Citrine, and Garnet.

Someone born under the sign of Aquarius has many assets to succeed, such as determination, the ability to work as a team, and careful precision. In order to strengthen the impact of these merits on the unfolding of their life, Garnet and Rose Quartz will be a great boon.

Aquarius people can be extremely creative and use their communication skills for the greater good. Wearing a Garnet will help to that effect.


Pisces crystals

People born under the sign of Pisces are sensitive, faithful, loyal, and generous. They are extremely sensitive to others’ misery and go out of their way to help them solve problems.

To prevent negative emotions from manifesting, Pisces people should turn to gemstones like Citrine, Amethyst, Moonstone, or Serpentine.

Additionally, a Pisces person should trust their instincts and intuition because their senses are particularly sharp. They can easily detect positive energies and efficiently materialize them into their everyday life, especially by owning or wearing Amethyst.

Beneficial gemstones for Pisces

Aquamarine, Amethyst, Citrine, Jade, Labradorite, Moonstone, Sapphire, Turquoise, Rock crystal, Sapphire, Rose Quartz, Green Jasper, Lapis lazuli, Serpentine, Tiger’s eye, Blue Topaz.

Someone born under the sign of Pisces tends to be a melancholic dreamer and idealist. Sometimes they commit to a relationship too soon, which can lead to personal disappointments.

To avoid bad sentimental decisions and unrequited love, Pisces people should turn to gemstones like Rose Quartz, Citrine, Moonstone, or Aquamarine.

Moreover, Pisces people often face romantic failures due to their lack of confidence and their urge to find a new commitment quickly. They cannot bear being alone. However, they can avoid this behavior through the use of Amethyst.

Pisces people can prove to be extremely original in the professional field, using very effective processes to succeed.

In order to strengthen these assets and merits to be successful in life, Pisces people should wear Tiger’s eye, Amethyst, Lapis lazuli, or Rock crystal or keep some in their close environment.

Pisces people are extremely creative and have an open mind that lets them be bold in many aspects of their life. Amethyst will help them in that regard.

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