March 4, 2025
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Vesta in Astrology

Getting to Know Vesta in Astrology

Since the asteroid belt was discovered in 1801, asteroids have slowly been explored in astrology.  Only in the later part of the 20th century did they start to appear in the writings of professional astrologers.  In an Amazon search for the earliest text to mention asteroids, Robert Hand’s Planets in Composite, published in 1975 is the oldest.  Perhaps the best book on asteroids for chart reading is Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George, published in 2003.  Suffice to say asteroids are still pretty new to the game.  This article will look at Vesta, the asteroid associated with the hearth and home.

Vesta, the Goddess

Vesta is the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion.  Her Greek counterpart is Hestia.  According to Wikipedia:

Entry to her temple was permitted only to her priestesses, the Vestals, who tended the sacred fire at the hearth in her temple. As she was considered a guardian of the Roman people, her festival, the Vestalia (7–15 June), was regarded as one of the most important Roman holidays.

During the Vestalia matrons walked barefoot through the city to the sanctuary of the goddess, where they presented offerings of food. Such was Vesta’s importance to Roman religion that hers was one of the last republican pagan cults still active following the rise of Christianity until it was forcibly disbanded by the Christian emperor Theodosius I in AD 391.

She ruled three domains: the hearth, marriage, and agriculture.  She oversaw the flame that was the vital force in the homes of a community.  Her virginal status meant that she held chastity before marriage as sacred and would be present at the marriage of a virgin on her wedding day.  As the goddess of the hearth, food, and thus agriculture, was part of her domain.

Vesta in Astrology

Vesta symbol

The placement of Vesta in the chart signifies how the individual will think, feel, and experience home.  If Vesta happens to be in Aries, the individual will have a nomadic view or experience of home.  While an individual with Vesta in Taurus will prefer to put down roots, deep ones, for their home experience.  As an energy point, it is earthly.  And if it were to be assigned rulership, Taurus and the 2nd House would fit nicely.

There is also a connection to sexuality, especially the transition from virgin to actively sexual, which traditionally, for a woman, was supposed to occur after marriage.  In the modern era a well-supported or afflicted Vesta can indicate the type of transition a man or woman will make from virgin to sexual.  If the transition is positive, the individual can experience sex-positive relationships.  If negative, the individual can experience difficulties emotionally that delay or hinder maturity.

Vesta in the Signs


If your Vesta happens to be in Aries, then home is really the place you happen to be now.  The nomad would be the perfect representative for this placement.  Sexual independence would be important to a person with this placement.


If your Vesta happens to be in Taurus, then a stable and secure home is essential.  The farmer would be the perfect representative for this placement.  Sexuality would be sensual, and commitment is driven.


If your Vesta happens to be in Gemini, then a home filled with people coming and going would be ideal.  The social butterfly would be the perfect representative for this placement.  Sexual curiosity, and intimacy through communication, excite this individual.


If your Vesta happens to be in Cancer, then a place for your family is of the utmost importance. The matriarch or patriarch would be the perfect representative for this placement.  Sex for procreation and the establishment of the family define this individual.


If your Vesta happens to be in Leo, then the home needs to be your castle, and you are the king or queen of your domain.  The owner of the “house on the hill” would be the ideal representative for this placement.  Sex as a performance and for joy thrill this individual.


If your Vesta happens to be in Virgo, then your home needs to be practical, energy-efficient, and suitable to your needs.  The owner of a tiny home or a home with a workshop would the best representative for this placement.  Sex is both sacred (since Virgo is the sign of the virgin and Vesta is a virgin goddess) and practical, a necessity more than sensuality.


If your Vesta happens to be in Libra, then your home needs to be a place of peace and harmony. The owner of the “most beautiful yard and interior” would be the perfect representative for this placement. Fairness and mutual enjoyment through intimacy are most important for this person.

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If your Vesta happens to be in Scorpio, then your home needs to be your “cave”, your place of retreat.  The owner of a home with a basement or “back in the woods” or the penthouse would be the ideal representative for this placement. Sex and power intermingle for this individual.


If your Vesta happens to be in Sagittarius, then the world is your home. Multiple homes, whether you own them or not, reflect the energy of this placement.  The “important guest” would be the best representative for this placement.  Sexual diversity and varied experiences will help this person mature.


If your Vesta happens to be in Capricorn, then your place of work is also your home.  The individual with a home office or a change of clothes at the place of work would be the perfect representative for this placement. Sex for status or as a transaction for achievement would make sense to this individual.


If your Vesta happens to be in Aquarius, then home is a center for your community.  The house everyone in the community visits is the ideal representative for this placement. Sex offers a network of connections through and because of the intimate partner.


If your Vesta happens to be in Pisces, then home is likely to be a fluid experience but does need to be your sanctuary.  A home near water or on the water is the perfect representative for this placement. Sex is a mystery to unravel and surrender to for this individual.

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