March 12, 2025
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Libra Weekly Horoscope



Many say luck doesn’t exist and yet here it is, against all the odds; the perfect example of something impossible being possible. And similarly, though it might be impossible for you right now to believe that luck will find its way back to you, luck is already on its way over to you.


No task is too difficult; it’s just deemed difficult by those with a pessimist attitude. Stay positive when it comes to your work, and you will see that you are capable of overcoming any task, no matter how big or small.


Nothing is impossible, and even if it is, you won’t know if you never really try. So go out there and try getting that love of your life that you think is too out of your league. You’ll end up regretting it later if you don’t make a move right now.


Your most questionable purchase or investment will soon pay off and reward you in some way or the other. It will rekindle your belief that anything is possible, as long as you have a little faith.



There is no overwhelmingly positive influence to push you forward today, but that doesn’t mean that you should stay idle either. Try to make your own luck and create the conditions for your own success.


There is a lot of negative energy surrounding your workplace today. It might come from colleagues or customers, but most of what they say or do will only keep you away from effective and productive work.


Everything is just a question of belief and willpower today. If you knew deep in your heart that something can be done (in any context, love or friendship) that could improve your everyday life, just do it. You have Jupiter and Mars on your back.


Whenever you need to spend some money today, try to ask yourself if this is the wisest course of action for you.



You have to take chances if you want to end up lucky. Luck doesn’t come to those who sit back and wait for it. Luck favors those who have enough faith in it to go ahead and take those chances.


When nothing seems to go your way, it is time to refresh yourself and go back to your roots. Trust your first instinct since it will turn out to be right more so than not, instead of trying to over think the solution too much.


Don’t over think too much, just follow your heart and do what you most want to do. If you want to go after someone, do it. And if someone popped into your mind when reading this, then definitely don’t let this moment go to waste.


Stop putting so much emphasis on saving and hoarding your money. Just spend it so you can make room for more to come into your life.



The greatest obstacle to any achievement today will be fatigue and the lure to just spend your day without striving for anything great. Do not let apathy ruin your potential for greatness!


If you push yourself to your limits today, you might not really get more things done than usual, but it will improve the overall quality of your production in a particularly obvious way.


If you want to deepen your relationship with anyone, you need to reach within and rely on the core of your personality to shine through. Putting on a pleasing mask at all times would just make the entire experience worthless anyway.


If someone owes you money, it might be a good idea to remind them of it today because with the positive influence of the stars over your finances you might get it back sooner than expected.



Giving up is a natural human reaction. But giving up, doing nothing and still expecting luck to come your way is just plain stupid. If you want luck to come your way, you have to pick yourself up and work towards it.


It is human nature that we tend to come back stronger than before after we allow ourselves time to break down.Work will become easier to handle, and you will become more capable once you allow yourself some time to deal with the stress that has built up on you.


We all need some time off to just focus on ourselves, to love ourselves instead of handing our love out to others. Don’t think of this as a bad thing; giving up and breaking down can do you some good. So give up and be selfish with your love.


Is your bank balance a little towards the lower side? Don’t worry about it, just know that it’ll all be okay tomorrow, but for now, allow yourself time to grieve about it.



Sometimes the city can seem as opaque and foreign as a walk in the forest in the dark. Try to follow your intuition to navigate the wild labyrinth of the modern world and you will come out ahead.


Your weak points will be particularly apparent today so try to keep away from anyone or anything that might jump on the occasion to abuse it at your expense.


Confidence is one of the most appealing qualities, and people – both men and women – are naturally drawn to it.


Do not let anyone get away with trying to avoid any debt they have toward you. When you lend some money out of your own pocket, you are entitled to being paid back in full.



Your thoughts can take you for one bumpy ride. So fasten the seat belt and hold on for dear life. But enjoy every moment of it and stay hopeful, because that is how greatness is born.


Your bad memories are only bad because you failed to do something right the first time. To rid yourself of the guilt of not giving it your all, make sure to notice the smallest of mistakes the first time round.


Our minds are the worst kind of prison, they trap us with “what ifs” and show us “what could have been.” Move forward, take control, stop thinking about the negative and free yourself from the depressing thoughts floating in your head.


Don’t think of your negative bank balance as a horrible nightmare you can’t wait to wake up from. You can only appreciate money once you’ve had to live without it. Think of this as a positive learning experience.

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