March 4, 2025
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According to ancient Chinese tradition, Feng Shui or universal energy (pronounced chi) is everywhere in the universe. To favor your projects, you must allow this energy to circulate in your workplace, by arranging the objects and furniture it contains. That way you will attract Luck in all areas.

The Well-being Under Your Roof

Feng Shui is an ancestral method for harmonizing the circulation of energy in your environment and favoring health, well-being, and the happiness of everyone living under your roof, under any circumstances.

According to Feng Shui many of your problems, including health problems, trouble succeeding both professionally and, in your family, financial problems, setbacks in your love life, etc., depend on your willpower but also on your environment.

The placement of the building you live in, work in and spend your leisure time in, as well as how your furniture and objects are arranged, have a direct influence on your health and your ability to attract wealth and enjoy a harmonious love life.

If your habitation is badly placed, or if the rooms are messy and disordered, not respecting the basic rules of energy, Chi will circulate badly, and positive energy will not be able to reach you and arrange for you to meet interesting people who can help you succeed and make things work out in your favor.

If you don’t harmonize your environment correctly, it will be very difficult for you to experience real happiness.

If you learn to balance the energy in the spaces you live and work in, your existence will benefit from an inflow of Luck and Happiness.

feng shui balanced appartment

Wind and Water

Feng Shui is a Chinese term formed of two words: Feng meaning wind, and Shui meaning water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with health.

According to the Chinese tradition of Feng Shui, which dates back at least 3000 years, you can only succeed in life if you manage to harmonize these two natural elements.

Places of habitation, work, or leisure should be sheltered from the wind and situated near a source of fresh water, if possible. If not, try to live near a man-made brook or fountain.

The basis of the concept of Feng Shui is a very ancient principle that consists of orienting all buildings, from holy temples to simple dwellings, in a direction that harmonizes the five Chinese elements of Earth, Wood, Water, Fire, and Metal.

The notion of wind (Feng) is linked to that of Chi, the primordial energy animating the Universe. Feng Shui attempts to harmonize the three types of Chi: first the air, second the soil, and third the human body.

The basic principle of the method of Feng Shui consists of facilitating the circulation of Chi in your home and your workplace.

Chi energy should also be spread throughout your entire living and working spaces, by following an energy network composed of sectors, whose powers of beneficial energy depend on their orientation in relation to the center of the Earth.

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The Art of Arranging Your Environment

Feng Shui is seen as the art of arranging your environment because the placement of objects and furniture around you is considered, according to Feng Shui, to have an influence on all areas of your existence, in relation to their ability to allow Chi energy to circulate freely or not.

The balance of your environment, whether it is a living space, an office, a garden, etc., depends on the way you balance the energy in these locations. You can assure yourself, and all the people who live or work with you, of Good Fortune if your environment is balanced properly (in the sense of being Lucky, and not only in terms of money).

The fact is, Fortune should not be reduced only to a question of money. In Chinese culture having enough revenue is important, but it is also important to be in good health, have fulfilling work, a harmonious love-life, and good relations with other people generally. Only then will all your dreams and desires come true.

Yi King and Pa Kua: the Basis of Feng Shui

The basic book of Feng Shui is the famous Chinese treatise on divination called the Yi King. From it come the concepts of Pa Kua (also pronounced Ba Gua which in Chinese means Ba “divination” and Gua “eight”).

Pa Kua is an instrument of divination in the shape of an octagon, formed by eight trigrams, with the famous Yin-Yang symbol at its center (see below).

Yin Yang symbol

Each trigram corresponds to an aspect of life and a cardinal point:

  • The northernmost trigram is associated with your profession and career.
  • The north-east trigram is associated with education and knowledge.
  • The eastern trigram is associated with family and health.
  • The south-eastern trigram is associated with riches and prosperity.
  • The southernmost trigram is associated with social recognition.
  • The south-west trigram is associated with love and marriage.
  • The western trigram is associated with children.
  • The north-west trigram is associated with the communication.

To know if a house or any other location respects the principles of “Feng Shui” a Pa Kua plan is superimposed over the plan in question, in order to organize the location according to the principles specific to each trigram.

The eight trigrams are used to verify whether a dwelling is harmonized so people can live there in happiness, well-being, and good health.

Yin and Yang According to Feng Shui

As you see, at the center of Pa Kua is a representation of Yin and Yang, the Chinese symbol for balance that each of us must achieve in life, each in our own way.

The black image with a white dot, and the white image with a black dot symbolize the polarity of the world, which is both masculine and feminine.

The two parts complete each other, and one could not exist without the other. That is why there is a dot of the opposite color on each side.

According to the Chinese tradition of Taoism: the female side colored black (Yin) and the male side (Yang) must be balanced in all ways and in all beings.

This balance is necessary if Chi energy is to circulate freely and positively. People who are in contact with this energy enjoy lives filled with joy and success!

In Feng Shui, Yin and Yang symbolize the two facets of the universe and should always be in balance. Using Feng Shui to harmonize your inner self will, at the same time, maintain the Yin/Yang balance, and the beneficial repercussions it entails for people who experience it.

Chinese Natural Elements

Although in western countries people generally count four elements (earth, fire, water, and air) the Chinese system has five (earth, water, fire, wood, and metal). Each element corresponds to symbolic criteria as well as to very specific materials.

5 elements

Earth is associated with security and comfort, summer’s end and the yellow and brown colors of autumn, ceramics, plaster and other natural fibers, and brick.

Water is associated with power and serenity, winter, the north, the color black, organic foods, glass, and irregular forms.

Wood is associated with growth and vitality, springtime, the color green, the vertical plane, east to southeast, and rectangular forms.

Metal is associated with management and directorial functions, wealth, autumn and the colors gold, silver, and white, the west, and metals and stones that are spherical in shape.

Fire is associated with passion and heat, the south, summertime, the color red, metals, plastics, and pointed triangular forms.

In a house with good “Feng Shui” these five elements must be in balance. If one of them is missing or becomes stronger than the others, the result is an energy imbalance and bad luck.

Bad Feng Shui will create problems in one or more areas: career, knowledge, recognition, marriage, allies, children and family, prosperity, and health.

The Importance of Your Kua Number

Pa Kua enables you to restore balance in the various natural elements in your home and contributes to ensuring good energy circulation in all the locations where you apply the rules of Feng Shui.

Depending on their presence and placement in space, the interaction of the five natural elements can have positive or negative repercussions, depending on your environment and, as a result, yourself.

The Art of Feng Shui is very complex and requires determining certain parameters like your Kua number (between 1 and 9) which you can then use to calculate your life group, either Eastern or Western.

Depending on your life group, you can figure out your eight orientations: four favorable and four unfavorable.

Your orientations indicate how to place the furniture and decorations in each of your rooms so that beneficial energy can circulate freely and harmoniously, and have a beneficial effect on your existence.

Determining your Kua Number will also give you your personal natural element, the one most beneficial for you (Wood, Earth, Fire, Water, Metal). You should apply its properties in your life.

You can find many sites online to calculate your Kua Number.

Welcome to the World of Feng Shui Energy

You’ll find a lot of information on how to balance the energy in your living space by using Feng Shui. This page aims to provide you with the keys that open the doors to a better understanding of Feng Shui.

Explore it fully and take steps to improve your lifestyle in all areas, always respecting and following the age-old principles of Feng Shui

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