The Chariot tarot card is often a good sign when it pops up in a reading. Like the character depicted on the major arcana, the chariot in tarot means that your life is moving forward and that you are making progress overall in your various projects. Where the fool was striding forward because he was candid and naïve, the chariot tarot card moves forward through sheer force of will and determination, with his eyes on the prize.
Upright keywords: Providence, triumph, willpower, intensity, drive, control
Reversed keywords: Inhibited, anger, delay, indecision, inconsistency
Astrologically, the Chariot is associated with the sign of Cancer.
A princely and regal figure is standing proudly on a Chariot drawn by two sphinxes (in the most commonly used Rider-Waite tarot. Other decks may use other animals, horses, or bulls in some decks originating from the Mediterranean Sea) riding forward towards the viewer.
The inclusion of the two sphinxes instead of more traditional beasts of burden can be traced back to the writings of Eliphas Levy, an ancient occultist who researched the tarot deck meanings most thoroughly, and then included by A.E. Waite into his world-famous tarot and book, The Pictorial Key to the Tarot.
This is one of the most positive messages among the major arcana meanings. Just like the figure in the Chariot card, the Querent and his plans are decidedly moving forward. This is a major arcana that resonates with the positive energy of triumph, in turn, absorbed by the Querent, leading to further achievements and victories, leading to the more positive energy of triumph in an everlasting cycle.
The use of the sphinxes as beasts of burden is here to highlight that these victories are not necessarily victories in war or of brute force. The Chariot offers energy for any outcome, including riddles and other challenges of the mind.
One of the downsides of the Chariot card is that it can lead to excessive pride sometimes, propping you up for a fall if you don’t keep your eyes wide open and fairly objective when you think about yourself.
The number 07 card of the Major Arcana, the Chariot, represents drive and willpower and the need to be assertive in some way with regard to love and romance. The Chariot is an action card with a clear direction and pursuit of a specific outcome. It is the “let nothing stand in your way” card.
If you are single, this card will ask you to really make dating your focus, with intensity. Identify what you want in a relationship and then be willing to do the work and put in the passion to achieve the outcome you want, first and foremost, by creating and developing the best version of yourself. Having a positive, can-do attitude is very attractive in the dating market.
If you are in a relationship, this card encourages you to speak up and assert what you want in your relationship. This is an “I” card, not a “we” card. Sometimes we have to be assertive and see how our partner responds. We may discover that they are happy to have us taking the lead or pushing ahead, or we may find that what we want is out of alignment with what the other person wants, which will teach both of you something important.
Career includes school and education if that is your current stage, necessary work not on your career path, and your actual career path. Regardless of your stage, The Chariot represents the willpower to achieve your goals.
If you are a student and draw this card, you need to stand out in class and at school. Therefore, put in the effort to be the best student in each class. Strive for accolades to earn rewards and recognition through hard work and determination.
Similarly, if you are working but not in a career, this card indicates it’s time to stand out. Consequently, put in overtime and show you want to be the best and most successful employee. View your work environment as a place of competition where you aim to win and prove you are the best employee.
Lastly, if you are on a career path, this card encourages you to assert ideas that will benefit the company and your career. Be fearless and take risks. This card represents high risk and high reward. However, high risk can also mean great loss. It’s the moment in a poker game when you “go all-in”; you will either win big or go out with a bang!
Usually when a card is extremely positive in its base meaning, seeing that very same card reversed in a reading is probably bad news. The Chariot card is a sign of defeat and broken spirits when it appears reversed. Psychologically, this could be a sign of clinical depression, which is a serious illness that should not be disregarded just because there are no obvious physical symptoms.
Reversed, this card certainly can indicate the harder you try, the worse things will go. In short, you need to back off or tell the other person to back off. Take a breather or a break because forging ahead and trying to force the relationship will surely cause trouble. You may also know a relationship needs to end abruptly or you are on the receiving end of an abrupt break-up.
When this card appears reversed in a question about work or career, then you want to be aware you will get very little return on your investment (ROI). Hard work does not pay off and obstacles abound. You would do well to bide your time or even take some vacation days if you have them. If you are working on a project or deal, it might be a good idea to take a pause, review the project where it is before trying
When the Fool’s journey reaches the chariot tarot card, the Fool has turned into an adult, with a strong identity forged through experience, education, and contact with the outside world. The Chariot teaches the Fool how to use their willpower to effectively affect and change their environment..
Once the Fool has defined their values and the kind of person they want to be, they must try to fit into the world both by changing themselves and changing the world around them. Free from any sense of doubt, the Fool confidently moves forward as they start defining their place into the world.
An extremely positive card (unless reversed), the Chariot shows you a glimpse of the road ahead. This road is full of challenges you will easily understand. Keep faith in your abilities. Do not let doubts steer you away from your path. The Chariot card’s meaning should comfort you in your choices. Enjoy this particularly positive time for yourself.
The Chariot card is a good sign when it appears in a reading. Like the character on the card, the Chariot in tarot means your life is moving forward. You are making progress in your various projects. While the Fool strides forward due to naivety, the Chariot moves forward through sheer willpower. His eyes remain on the prize.
The Mythic Tarot (1986)
The Haindl Tarot (1990)
Osho Zen Tarot (1995)
Law of Attraction Tarot (2011)
Spellcaster Tarot (2016)
Ostara Tarot (2017)
This is a great major arcana to use for meditation when you feel low or lack confidence. First, project yourself onto the card. If you know about a specific challenge you are about to face and are afraid to fail, just think about it.
Imagine you are the victorious and proud figure in the middle of the card, coming back from the field of battle where you achieved your goals. You have overcome all your enemies. You have proven the might of your mind. Therefore, enjoy your many blessings and live every day to the fullest!