October 5, 2024
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The Astrological Associations with the Cups Suit

The Astrological Associations with the Cups Suit of the Minor Arcana

The Cups suit in the Minor Arcana in the tarot is what represents emotions, creativity, and intuition. It represents anything that sparks emotion, and most of the cards in this suit are welcomed to be seen unlike most of the cards in the Sword suit.

This suit is based on how you feel, what you sense intuitively, and what you can create. The element this suit is associated with is water, which means the signs that are associated with the Cups suit are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. Let’s now take a look at the astrological meanings of each of the cards in the Cups suit.

Ace of Cups

Anytime the Ace of Cups comes up, it is a sign that there is a new love, a new creative idea, or simply compassion. All of the water signs which are Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are represented by this card.

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When this card shows up in reverse it indicates emotions that are suppressed or self-centeredness.

Two of Cups

The Two of Cups is associated with Cancer in the first decan, and the planet Venus. This is the card that shows up when there is a new love interest or a partnership, or it can indicate a new love for a hobby.

When this card shows up in reverse, it is an indication of a breakup, self-centeredness, or a lack of trust.

Three of Cups

The Three of Cups is associated with Cancer in the second decan which is Mercury. This card is an indication of creativity, celebrations, getting together with friends, as well as creations through collaboration.

When it shows up in reverse, it is not usually a negative meaning as it can indicate independence and having time alone.

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Four of Cups

The Four of Cups is associated with Cancer in the third decan which is the Moon. When this card shows up, it can indicate being bored, being contemplative, withdrawing, and not making the move to seize an opportunity presented.

When this card shows up in reverse, the meaning is not that much different from it being upright. It indicates withdrawal and retreat.

Five of Cups

The Five of Cups is associated with Scorpio in the first decan which is Mars. This is the most negative cup in this suit as it represents disappointments, failure, and being pessimistic. It can also represent regret.

When this card shows up in reverse, there is a positive meaning because it is an indication that one has moved on from disappointments as well as forgiveness.

Six of Cups

The Six of Cups is associated with Scorpio in the second decan, the Sun. This card represents nostalgia, childhood memories, thinking of pleasant memories from the past, and playfulness. This card will come up in some readings if an old childhood friend is going to make a comeback.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can indicate not being able to forgive or let go of the past.

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Seven of Cups

The Seven of Cups is associated with Scorpio in the third decan, Venus. This card has several meanings which are either illusion, having wishful thinking, and having too many choices and opportunities. When there is a situation that involves having too many choices, it is hard to make a decision so it can also indicate information overload.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can indicate having a reality check as well as making a choice after struggling to make one for so long.

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups is associated with Pisces in the first decan which is Saturn. This card can either indicate feelings of abandonment or finally walking away from a situation that was difficult to do. Sometimes this card comes up when an idea has been fantasized about, and reality has finally set in which caused the individual to walk away. It’s an emotional card as walking away from something you were invested in for a long time is never easy to do.

When this card shows up in reverse, it is an indication of having the difficulty of letting something go that needs to be let go.

Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups is associated with Pisces in the second decan, Jupiter. This card is referred to as the wish card, the same way the Nine of Hearts is in cartomancy involving playing cards. This means when you are really wishing for something, and you see this card upright in a reading, that is great news for you! Your wish will be granted.

However, when this card shows up in reverse, you still will get the wish, but it will not be for the right reasons. It may be more of a message to be careful with what you wish for.

Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups is associated with Pisces in the third decan, Mars. Whereas the Nine of Cups is the wish card, the Ten of Cups is the card that represents your wish has been fulfilled. It is most definitely a harmonious card that shows that everything is in alignment.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can indicate that you are disconnected from what you had wished for. When there are struggles in relationships in general, this card shows up often.

Page of Cups

The Page of Cups is associated with the element of water, and when this card comes up in a reading, it can be an indicator of intuitive messages you are getting. It may also be a sign of creative opportunities heading your way, or just by being curious. This can also represent a youngster with these qualities in your life.

When it shows up in reverse, it can be a sign of emotional or creative blocks to new ideas. Sometimes this can be a sign of writer’s block as well.

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups represents air and water and when this card shows up, it is a sign of romance, imagination, creativity, beauty, and charm. And it can represent an adolescent in your life with these qualities or who has a water sun sign.

When this card shows up in reverse, it is an indicator of having an imagination that is overactive, being unrealistic, envious, or moody

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups is associated with air and water, and when this card comes up in a reading, it indicates there is compassion, intuition, emotional stability, and nurturing. It can also represent someone with these qualities, usually a woman or a woman who has a water sun sign.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can be a sign of self-absorption or being co-dependent.

King of Cups

The King of Cups is associated with air and water, and when this card shows up, it shows that someone is emotionally balanced, as well as kind and compassionate, and diplomatic. It can represent a man who has a water sun sign as well.

When this card shows up in reverse, it can be indicative of moodiness, emotional manipulation, and self-absorption.

Now you know the astrological associations of the cups suit. This will give you a better understanding of the cards. The final suit of the Minor Arcana to delve into is the pentacle suit, which is tied to the earth element.

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