September 26, 2024
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Taurus Season

Presenting Taurus Season!

Taurus is the second sign in the zodiac. It is associated with beauty, romance, sentimentality, sensuality, materialistic values, wealth, prosperity, nature, harmony, love of living things, possession, control, security, dependability, habit, organization, tenacity, kindness, shyness, cautiousness, trustworthiness, calmness, appreciation of values, talents, and abilities.

The Quality of Their Element

Taurus is a fixed earth sign. It stands for an enduring, practical reality. Their spiritual goal is to learn the purpose of insight.

Characteristics of a Taurus Personality

Positive Negative
  • A careful and conservative outlook
  • Dependable and offers enduring loyalty
  • Artistic
  • Thorough
  • Attentive
  • Values the talents of others
  • Very loving
  • Resourceful
  • Gentle and placid
  • Great cooks
  • Orderly with a good sense of time
  • Tendency to be self-indulgent
  • Stubborn
  • Can get stuck in a rut
  • Materialistic
  • Slow-moving
  • Will have little to say
  • Delays actions by pondering
  • Easily embarrassed
  • Can be boring
  • Can be insensitive

The Inner Taurus

If you have a predominant Taurus influence in you, then you are a person who takes the long-term view and moves very slowly but surely through life. Taurus is only concerned with the best that life has to offer. They want the best of everything. They believe that the best is worth waiting for and they will wait if they have to.

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Taurus likes to luxuriate in sensual delights. Taurus fears being disturbed or being left wanting. They say that Taurus will wait for anything and this means even to get upset. Taurus can be so cool for so long and then it’s like a bull in a china shop. When Taurus does get mad it can be so upsetting that it takes them a while to recover. Taurus will have to re-find their composure and their self-esteem.

The Ruling Planet of Taurus

Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, which means there will be a strong influence on personal values. Astrologically, Venus is the planet of love, values, sensuality, and affection. Similar to Venus, Taurus can be very tender, affectionate, and attracted to the good lifestyle—as long as it’s peaceful and secure. Taurus almost never distracts from their personal code of what is right—or at least what they think is right.

Like the mythical Venus, Taurus has an idealized concept of beauty and could possibly, in early life stages, be very self-conscious about his or her body.

Taurus and Home Life 

For a true Taurus, home is a place to feel completely comfortable, at ease and secure. When at home Taurus hates for anything to be moved around. They enjoy comfort, familiarity, and luxury. Taurus tends to have well-tried habits and prefers to live in a well-ordered household. They don’t say no to routine and order. They almost always prefer to do a thing in their own home. They try to make their place like a castle and might fill it with furniture that will only increase its value.

Taurus at Work

Taurus is a very hard worker and will work hard and steady at achieving what he or she values. Taurus cannot bear interference. They have great respect for institutes. Regardless of what Taurus does, they require work that gives them a lot of respectability. They are a qualified person to handle money. They are dependable and honest. Practical, sensible, and down-to-earth. Taurus has the ability to enjoy sensible routines. They display foresight and are seldom thrown off balance. They are strong and can handle emergencies.

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As a boss, Taurus is fair, they give everyone a chance and tests out the employees. they stick to the principals and will fire anyone who goes against their trust.

Taurus is often self-made and will do well for themselves. They do not make hasty judgments and they want things done their way. They are kind and patient, but they expect absolute loyalty. Taurus will respond well to plain facts but not to flattery.

Taurus and Love 

For Taurus, Love is a physical, sensual romance that can last forever. Taurus is attracted to looks and is very sensitive to perfume, color, light, and sound. Taurus in love will be devoted and steadfast. They will settle quickly into a stable affair. Taurus isn’t really the one-night stand type. They can try to be, but they can become very vulnerable to those who accept their affection but only want a flirtation. Taurus will never forgive betrayal. Taurus men are generally the strong silent type. While the female is like the earth mother.

Taurus men might fancy their women to be very feminine. Taurus women might look for her man to be all man. Still, they are looking for a promise to be kept and never broken. They crave an organic, wholesome take to physical love, to sometimes wait for a commitment to be formally made.

Taurus takes forever to decide if they want to leave a relationship. They find it hard to believe that they were wrong about a person. Once the mind is decided, there is never any turning back. Taurus will walk away forever. Still, the last time we checked Taurus had the least likely to divorce rate in the zodiac.

Taurus and Friends

Taurus is attracted to a friend who is reliable, unchanging, and not prone to making a sudden change of plans. Taurus isn’t one to take well to spontaneity. They don’t want to wait for you either.

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The Good Stuff

Taurus is very tender and affectionate towards their friends. They love someone with good taste who they can have a good conversation with or watch the game with. They will admire people with qualities of strength like their own. They will recognize their level of endurance. Towards these friends, Taurus is gentle, loving, warm, caring, and totally trustworthy. When Taurus has your back, they really have your back. They won’t say a bad word about you, and they will keep your secrets.

The Bad Stuff

Taurus can be jealous of the attention their friends give other people. Taurus doesn’t fancy signs of weakness of either physical or emotional and might be quite direct about this.

Sometimes Taurus can get judgmental and negative and it puts a damper on the evening.

Taurus Compatibility

Taurus gets along better with some signs than others. Harmonious signs for Taurus are Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces, and Aries. Difficult relationships for Taurus are Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. Turbulent relationships for Taurus are Libra and Sagittarius. All this compatibility can vary depending on your full birth chart reading, this will conclude your rising, moon, Venus, and Mercury sign, which will indicate more about your actual sign.

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