August 27th is the 239th day of the year (240th in a leap year) in the Gregorian Calendar and the 5th day of the Virgo Season. Happy birthday to you today!
Key Phrase: “I serve”
Energy: Yin (Feminine)
Lucky Day: Wednesday
Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 8, 15, 20, and 35
Birth Stones: Sapphire (primary) – additional stones
Tarot Cards: The Hermit and the Knight of Pentacles
Compatibility: Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Virgo is the sixth sign in the Zodiac, ruled by the planet Mercury, which rules over the Sixth House. Virgo symbolizes nutrition, service, invention, and problem-solving.
Their character? Serious, conscientious, scrupulous, reserved, skeptical, methodical, attached to principles, hard-working… People born under the sign of Virgo are often critical — primarily towards themselves. Daily, they demonstrate pragmatism and logic: they go straight to the point and have no time to waste on trivialities.
Virgos sometimes have trouble expressing their emotions or their feelings. One could say that they are “under control”. Their planet, Mercury, is cold, dry, and neutral, so it is neither masculine nor feminine.
Linked with the Earth element, Mercury is generally associated with the mind and the intellect. It symbolizes communication in connection with intuition.
Virgos are connected in a particular way to the soul and the personality. It is a relay planet that invites Mercurians to go through all the stages of their personality with delight.
Birthday wishes to you on this special day!
Personalities: Aaron Paul, The Great Khali, Tom Ford