October 3, 2024
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Aries in Love

Aries in Love – 12 Different Love Affairs

Each sign of the Zodiac expresses certain energies in certain ways.  There are four elements: air, earth, fire, and water.  Air represents thought; earth represents practical life; fire represents action, and water represents emotions.  There are three modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable.  Cardinal signs lead; fixed signs establish, and mutable signs adapt.

Each sign influences the energy of how we love, work, play, raise a family, make friends, and so on.  This article will explore the sign Aries and how it loves and is loved by all 12 Zodiac signs.

Aries: The Cardinal Fire Sign

Aries is the sign for new beginnings, independence, maverick action, and pioneering.  Often known as “the warrior” or “the risk-taker”, Aries connects to the world through its boundless energy to explore, play, compete, and initiate.  This sign rules survival, the ego, and the self.

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As the ruler of the 1st House, its energy oversees identity, personality, and perceptions.  Someone with an Aries Sun, Moon, or Ascendant (but especially the Sun) will seek to chart their own path as a role model for the world, humankind, and all of life; by being who they need to be, they encourage others to be themselves, authentically.

Aries and Love

The Aries parent, child, or lover shows and feels love in the moment, intensely, and actively.  There is a deep need to show the love they feel by taking action on behalf of friends, parents, children, co-workers, bosses, employees, and lovers.  They show love by being fully present when spending time with loved ones.

This sign, like all the fire signs, is energetic and dynamic … turned on by competition, exploration, playfulness, and new experiences.  They are one of the best “partners in crime”, and fearless when it comes to taking leaps of faith.  The more they can be heroic and see the heroism in another, the more aroused they become. 

Aries, Love, and the 12 Signs


Aries is a cardinal fire sign that likes to “go for it” in love.  This sign can have a rollicking good time with itself. But when two “take or leave” people interact, long-term commitment can be real work that neither wants to invest in.  On the plus side, neither one will stay upset for long if things do not work out or the relationship does not last.  And, they can pop in and out of each other’s love life without much fanfare or drama.


Taurus is the fixed earth sign that likes to “settle down” in love.  These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when fire and earth or fire and water connect otherwise.  Aries can appreciate Taurus’ need for security and Taurus can admire Aries’ willingness to “go for it” in any situation.  Even so, this energy is rather difficult for anything long-term.  While they both want to “survive” and be safe, they will approach life in very different ways.

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Gemini is the mutable air sign that likes to “learn and communicate” in love.  This sign sextiles, or compliments, Aries.  They can enjoy a “let’s play together” connection, making this combination a freewheeling relationship that might only be surpassed if they are in a relationship with their own sign. If they can find keep finding new and shared interests, this relationship can have a long lifespan.  Nothing much complicated here.


Cancer is the cardinal water sign that likes to “nurture” in love.  These signs square, or challenge, one another.  This combination can make the relationship work hard to succeed since Aries can be notoriously self-focused and Cancer can be in constant need of giving and receiving emotional support.  They will have to find a way to connect through shared responsibilities, so the Aries person can have a heroic role that the Cancer individual can appreciate, and the Cancer individual will need to give the Aries his or her trust in the form of some degree of freedom to come and go without constant explanation.


Leo is the fixed fire sign that likes to “romance” in love.  This sign trines (collaborates) with Aries, so these two energies find it easy to relate to one another.  Having fun together and being active is the elixir for love between these two signs.  Something long-term will be easy if both partners share the same inspiration and passion in work or about life. They will flow best when Aries praises Leo’s talents and Leo playfully challenges Aries, keeping the relationship singing on a positive note. 


Virgo is the mutable earth sign that likes to “serve” in love.  This sign inconjuncts Aries, which means they constantly must adjust to one another.  Virgo is meticulous and detailed-oriented, Aries is not!  Aries is great out of the gate while Virgo prefers to solve problems that can be quite complex.  If Virgo can take over after the Aries person initiates and be allowed to finish what Aries started, this combination can achieve a lot and have a lasting relationship.  Aries will need to “follow the rules” the Virgo person establishes, and in doing so, will probably avoid a lot of problems that come from leaping before looking.


Libra is the cardinal air sign that likes to “harmonize” in love.  This sign opposes, or “seek balance with”, Aries.  Individually, Aries learns by acting alone; Libra learns by partnering with someone. Sometimes Aries needs a partner and Libra needs to go it alone, which is how they can help each other in a relationship.  To make this relationship work, Aries will have to ask the Libra for help, which the Libra will love, and the Libra will have to do somethings without asking the Aries for help, which the Aries will love.


Scorpio is the fixed water sign that prefers intensity in relationships.  This sign inconjuncts Aries, which means they constantly must adjust to one another.  This inconjunct is not a difficult aspect because these signs share the same classical ruler, Mars.  In fact, these signs work surprisingly well together because they have the “just right” amount of tension to keep both interested.  Aries is not afraid of Scorpio and Scorpio cannot cow Aries into submission, which proves to be exciting for them.

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Sagittarius is the mutable fire sign that prefers to “explore” in relationships.  This sign trines (collaborates) with Aries, so these two energies find it easy to relate to one another.  Going out into the world and exploring will excite both these signs.  Something long-term will be easy if they keep adventuring together, each new vista or endeavor will be a chance to renew the fire between them. They will flow best when Aries comes up for new places for Sagittarius to explore and Sagittarius challenges Aries to try new cultures and new ideas.  This is the perfect team for the TV show, The Amazing Race! 


Capricorn is the cardinal fire sign that likes to “achieve” in love. These signs square, or challenge, one another.  This combination can make the relationship work hard to succeed since Aries can be notoriously independent and Capricorn expects people to follow and let him or her lead.  They will do best dividing up responsibilities and leaving each other alone to complete them; otherwise, the ram and the goat will but heads.  Sometimes they will enter into conflict because such a situation turns them on as much as it can frustrate them.


Aquarius is the fixed air sign that likes to “commune” in love.  This sign sextiles, or compliments, Aries.  They can enjoy a “let’s save the world together” connection, making this combination a “power couple” relationship that thrives on “do-gooder” efforts to help those in need and kick the ass of those who want to harm others. If they can find keep finding a common cause and common enemy, this relationship can have a long lifespan.


Pisces the mutable water sign that likes to “connect spiritually” in love.  These signs sit side-by-side, so they can learn from each other without the dissonant energy of the inconjunct or square that happens when fire and earth or fire and water connect otherwise.  Aries can appreciate Pisces’ need to follow a spiritual purpose and Pisces can admire Aries’ willingness to “go for it” in any situation.  Even so, this energy is rather difficult for anything long-term.  While they both want to “be saviors”, they will understand the world in very different ways.

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