October 22, 2024
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Energy Point Type: Planet
Rules Sign: Aquarius
Rules House: 11th House
Element: Air
Key Phrase: Way of Awakening

Uranus symbol

Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are generational planets, spending 6 to 8 years, 13 to 15 years, and 17 to 31 years in each sign, respectively.

Uranus represents your Way of Awakening. Its placement in Sign and House reveals where we must be unconventional and challenge norms, where we need to do or encounter the unexpected, and how we need to express our authenticity.

Consider a person with Uranus in Virgo in the 11th House. Virgo is an Earth sign. Earth’s expression is accomplished, persistent, and practical. In Virgo, the Element acts critically, meticulously, and pragmatically. So, his or her key phrase is “Your Way of Awakening manifests through your critically-minded and methodical quest for and attraction to the meticulous and practical community.” In short, they are looking for a “practically” unusual tribe or an unusually pragmatic community. Jest aside, they seek to join with others who have been awakened by the need to build and join in the practical steps to make and sustain a community.

Uranus expresses itself through a Sign and acts most powerfully in an area of your life by House. This section will look at all 12 Sign and House placements for Uranus. It is important to make a clear distinction between the Sign and House. While it is correct that each Zodiac Sign rules a particular House, it is vital not to conflate the two.

Uranus in Aries is not the same as Uranus in the 1st House even though Aries rules the first House. A person with Uranus in Aries has a Way of Awakening devoted to independent and maverick behavior regardless of House placement. Someone with Uranus in the 1st House has a Way of Awakening devoted to figuring oneself out and working on identity issues over the course of his or her lifetime.

Uranus in the Signs

Think of Uranus as your way of breaking through and revolutionizing as part of your generation. Uranus is representative of the way a group will break with traditions in order to introduce new wisdom to society.

Uranus in Aries (1927 – 1934, 2010 to 2018)

Individuals with Uranus in Aries need to “breakthrough” traditions related to independent, maverick, and individualistic behavior. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting non-traditional ideas about freedom. They find their fit in society by being assertive, direct, impulsive, fearless, and impatient.

Uranus in Taurus (1934 – 1941, 2018 – 2036)

Individuals with Uranus in Taurus need to “breakthrough” traditions related to safety, stability, and pleasure. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting security and enjoyment of the physical world. They find their fit in society by being steadfast, reliable, responsible, conservative, resistant to change, and stubborn.

Uranus in Gemini (1941 – 1948, 2036 – 2043)

Individuals with Uranus in Gemini need to “breakthrough” traditions related to learning, mental stimulation, and communication. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting talking and listening, gathering and sharing information, and constant interaction. They find their fit in society by being mentally agile, curious, inquisitive, witty.

Uranus in Cancer (1948 – 1956, 2043 – 2050)

Individuals with Uranus in Cancer need to “breakthrough” traditions related to nurturing, caretaking, sympathy, and emotional support. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting compassion, belonging, and understanding. They find their fit in society by being caring, protective, receptive, reactive, sentimental, and vulnerable.

Uranus in Leo (1955 – 1962, 2050 – 2057)

Individuals with Uranus in Leo need to “breakthrough” traditions related to self-esteem, creativity, and self-expression. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting performance, enjoyment of self and others, and recognition. They find their fit in society by being proud, confident, expressive, dramatic, showy, and egocentric.

Uranus in Virgo (1961 – 1969, 2057 – 2064)

Individuals with Uranus in Virgo need to “breakthrough” traditions related to efficiency, service, and inventiveness. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting competency, improvement, and problem-solving. They find their fit in society by being technical, precise, systematic, orderly, discriminating, critical, and meticulous.

Uranus in Libra (1968 – 1975, 2064 – 2071)

Individuals with Uranus in Libra need to “breakthrough” traditions related to harmony, balance, and fairness. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting judgment, negotiation, and analysis. They find their fit in society by being engaging, charming, appealing, impartial, considerate, cooperative, and compliant.

Uranus in Scorpio (1974 – 1981, 2071 – 2078)

Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio need to “breakthrough” traditions related to transformation, healing, sex, and power. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting reform, overcoming trauma, and expressing intensity. They find their fit in society by being erotic, passionate, powerful, controlling, dangerous, manipulative, and regenerative.

Uranus in Sagittarius (1981 – 1988, 2078 – 2085)

Individuals with Uranus in Sagittarius need to “breakthrough” traditions related to truth, purpose, and morality. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting hope, faith, and belief in a higher power. They find their fit in society by being enthusiastic, philosophical, persuasive, expansive, and excessive.

Uranus in Capricorn (1988 – 1995, 2085 – 2092)

Individuals with Uranus in Capricorn need to “breakthrough” traditions related to success, structure, and order. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting achievement, status, and goals. They find their fit in society by being serious, formal, realistic, exacting, organized, and conservative.

Uranus in Aquarius (1995 – 2003, 2092 – 2099)

Individuals with Uranus in Aquarius need to “breakthrough” traditions related to awakening, revelation, and liberation. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting idealism, the needs of the many, and future visions. They find their fit in society by being detached, objective, original, eccentric, broadminded, rebellious, and humanitarian.

Uranus in Pisces (2003 – 2010, 2099 – 2106)

Individuals with Uranus in Pisces need to “breakthrough” traditions related to spirituality, transcendence, unity, and unconditional love. These people revolutionize careers, relationships, and families by promoting imagination, dreams, and globalization. They find their fit in society by being passive, sacrificial, yielding, empathic, forgiving, escapist, and intuitive.

Uranus in The 12 Houses

The Houses represent different areas of our lives and how we “quest” or work or solve problems in those areas. The Sign ruling each House is determined by the time of birth, which is why it is so important. When a Point occupies a House the focus of the House becomes amplified by the nature and intent of the point. This next section will look at Uranus in each House.

Uranus in the 1st House (of Identity)

Individuals with Uranus in the 1st House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to their identity and the development of the Self. They are here to revolutionize the Self and survival. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Taurus rules the 1st House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” to understand his or her identity through physical needs, the pursuit of financial security, and the accumulation of resources.

Uranus in the 2nd House (of Resources and Security)

Individuals with Uranus in the 2nd House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to their safety, security, and their body. They are here to revolutionize the gathering of what is needed to feel stable and protected. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Sagittarius rules the 2nd House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” using philosophy, enthusiasm, and the ability to persuade people as the way to get his or her needs met.

Uranus in the 3rd House (of Communication)

Individuals with Uranus in the 3rd House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to trying to understand the world around them and successfully communicate with others. They are here to revolutionize networking and social interaction. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Cancer rules the 3rd House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” using empathy, sympathy, and emotional intelligence to try to interpret and communicate with people in his or her daily life.

Uranus in the 4th House (of Family)

Individuals with Uranus in the 4th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to trying to learn lessons from and build his or her family. They are here to revolutionize personal inner work and the dynamics of family. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Aquarius rules the 4th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” his or her family traditions, trying to achieve and experience an idealized vision of what family should be.

Uranus in the 5th House (of Creativity)

Individuals with Uranus in the 5th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to trying to express themselves in ways that build their reputation and recognition. They are here to revolutionize performance and creativity. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Virgo rules the 5th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” by being inventive, methodical, and critical in his or her efforts to create and perform for others.

Uranus in the 6th House (of Service)

Individuals with Uranus in the 6th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to service, health, and day-to-day work. They are here to revolutionize hard work and usefulness. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Aries rules the 6th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” independently, actively (for his or her health), and by developing skills for self-sufficiency.

Uranus in the 7th House (of Partnerships)

Individuals with Uranus in the 7th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to forming relationships and learning from others, as well as teaching others. They are here to revolutionize partnerships and how to give value to and get value from others. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Scorpio rules the 7th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” by transforming others and seeking to be transformed by the people he or she forms partnerships with during their lives.

Uranus in the 8th House (of Intimacy)

Individuals with Uranus in the 8th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to trying to understand power, change, and sexuality. They are here to revolutionize reactions to intense circumstances and periods of significant regeneration. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Gemini rules the 8th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” by being curious, communicative, and open-minded about how to explore and deal with his or her sexuality, the process of transformations, and encounters with power issues.

Uranus in the 9th House (of Mastership)

Individuals with Uranus in the 9th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to exploring the world broadly and deeply, using scholarship and belief as tools of study. They are here to revolutionize authority and learning from experience, culminating in recognition as an expert. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Capricorn rules the 9th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” to drive to the highest levels of practice and achievement in whatever knowledge and wisdom they pursue, and others want from them.

Uranus in the 10th House (of Career)

Individuals with Uranus in the 10th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to accomplishment, measurable success, and material prosperity. They are here to revolutionize work, and, by extension, family responsibility. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Leo rules the 10th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” using creativity, performance, and the pursuit of recognition to become prosperous and shape his or her career.

Uranus in the 11th House (of Community)

Individuals with Uranus in the 11th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to community and the search to fit in and help society thrive. They are here to revolutionize socializing and devotion to a cause. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Pisces rules the 11th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” using imagination, spirituality, and awareness of the unity of humanity to integrate into and support his or her community.

Uranus in the 12th House (of Spirituality)

Individuals with Uranus in the 12th House will have a Way of Awakening devoted to spiritual pursuits, finding and living one’s purpose, and connecting the divine with the material. They are here to revolutionize counseling and advising. This energy will be modified by the Sign ruling the House. Suppose Libra rules the 12th House, then the individual will work to “breakthrough” by analyzing, negotiating, and attempting to find a balance for and with individuals in one-on-one interactions dealing with belief, mysteries, and the spiritual aspect of life.

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