February 11, 2025
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The Judgement tarot card heralds the final outcome of a specific situation or thought. When it appears in a reading, it offers a sense of ending and finality that can be either good or bad depending on the nature of that outcome. If positive, it should be a source of celebration. If negative, it might be a wake-up call and a warning that it might be your last change to try and alter a particularly bad ending. Read more about the Judgement Tarot Card…

Keywords associated with the Judgement Tarot Card

Upright keywords: Judgement, decision, absolution, consequences, and closure
Reversed keywords: Prejudice, assumptions, lazy thinking, opinions, and abuse of power

Astrologically, the Judgement card is associated with the dwarf planet Pluto.

Upright Judgement Meaning

Most depictions of the Judgement card borrow symbols and imagery from the concept of the last judgement that can be found in the Christian bible and other faiths, where the dead rise up from the ground to be judged before a final reckoning, the last stand between good and evil, or a final moment before the final journey leading to paradise or enlightenment.

While other silhouettes can be seen in the background, the foreground characters seem to be a traditional family (a woman, a man, and a child) rising from their grave to the wake-up call of a celestial angel blowing a trumpet from the clouds. In the more detailed tarot decks, the expression that can be read on the faces of the newly risen is usually one of bliss, wonder, and adoration.

The meaning of the Judgement card is the final outcome of a situation. Of course, it should be important to keep in mind the same kind of lesson that was learned for the Death major arcana, namely that every ending is also a new beginning and that everything is part of a cycle.

Nevertheless, where Death focused on that transition and the importance of transition and evolution, here the finality and focus should definitely remain at the end of the current cycle. If reaching a positive outcome, it can mean an extremely intense feeling of satisfaction and achievement.

This card should also be seen as one last, final chance to change something to the current situation if it seems bound to fail or crash. The rest of the reading can provide essential clues and messages helping the Querent sort out the situation before it is too late.

In a Question about Love and Relationship

The number 20 card of the Major Arcana, Judgement, represents an important decision that needs to be made regarding love and romance. Judgement is an action card with a clear direction and pursuit of a specific outcome. How does your relationship stand up against the scrutiny of judgement?

If you are single, this card will ask you to really think about your decisions leading to or maintaining your “singleness”. Identify what you want in a relationship and then be willing to be decisive about the steps you need to take to be successful in your search for a partner. Having a positive, can-do attitude is very attractive in the dating market.

If you are in a relationship, this card encourages you to speak up and assert what you want in your relationship. It is time to “judge” your relationship to see if it is where you want it to be, or not. We may discover that we are happy, or we may find that what we want is out of alignment with what the other person wants, which will require significant choices from both of you.

Read more about the Judgement Tarot Card…

In a Question about Career and Work

Career includes school if you’re a student, necessary work not on your career path, and your actual career. Regardless of your current stage, the Judgment card signals a major decision or evaluation is coming. So, are you ready for it?

If you’re a student, this card represents every test and final grade. Additionally, you might need recommendation letters. Will you be judged favorably and get glowing recommendations, or will you realize you missed the chance to build a good reputation?

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On the other hand, if you’re working but not in your chosen career, your performance is under scrutiny. Therefore, make every effort to stand out. If you’re a manager, it’s time to evaluate your employees’ performance for your company’s benefit.

Finally, if you’re on a career path, Judgment reminds you that “the buck stops” with you. You must self-regulate to stay at the top of your field. Judgments may come through testimonials, sales changes, and whether you get a raise or are passed over.

Reversed Judgement Meaning

The appearance of the reversed Judgement card should never be taken lightly in a reading. It holds the same meaning of finality and outcome as above, but any sort of control seems to slip through the fingers of the Querent, helpless under the whims of fate.

The Judgment major arcana can bring bad news when reversed, indicating a nearly impossible weakness to overcome. If combined with other negative cards, it suggests a sense of finality and inevitability, which is never good.

When paired with the Death major arcana, these cards usually warn of a serious accident, illness, or even death in the near future for someone related to the reading’s topic.

In a Question about Love and Relationship

Reversed, this card suggests there is some difficult decision you must make. The time of avoiding, resisting, or pretending has come to an end. If you do not make the decision, then you may be on the receiving end of a decision about the relationship that you do not like. You may judge or be judged unfairly; if so, how will you act/react?

In a Question about Career and Work

When this card appears reversed in a question about work or career, then it is likely a decision will not go in your favor, especially if you are competing for a position and there are other applicants who may or may not be better than you, but will get the opportunity nonetheless. You also have to watch out for poor Judgements regarding your work and career. Did you make a mistake? If so, get to fixing it as quickly as possible.

The Fool’s Journey

The Fool has finally been reborn, leaving the remaining shreds of his past self and existence behind as they become truly enlightened. This is also when the Fool becomes strong enough to pass judgement on their own life, without lying to themselves.

This is where the Fool can make final adjustments before the ultimate lesson. Here, their inner, higher self manifests, revealing their place in the world and their higher calling.

If the Fool can prove they have learned all the lessons from their journey, they will show themselves ready for enlightenment and exaltation.


Modern Representations

The penultimate card among the major arcana embodies the concept found in its name. It is a time for Judgement, a time to distillate all the elements of a problem or situation and get ready for its final outcome. This can range from a positive feeling of achievement to a serious situation that would better be avoided if possible. In that case, all the clues and elements that might help can usually be found in the other cards in the reading.

Judgement Mythic Tarot

The Mythic Tarot (1986)

Aeon Haindl Tarot

The Haindl Tarot (1990)

Beyond Illusion Osho Zen Tarot

Osho Zen Tarot (1995)

Judgment Law of Attraction Tarot

Law of Attraction Tarot (2011)

Judgment Spellcaster Tarot

Spellcaster Tarot (2016)

Ostara Judgment

Ostara Tarot (2017)

Meditating with Judgement

Judgment in meditation helps you distance yourself and think critically. It allows you to objectively analyze your shortcomings and identify areas for improvement.

Use this time to reflect on your personal achievements and recognize your progress. A mix of good and bad experiences is natural. However, what truly matters is being completely honest with yourself.

This self-reflection isn’t easy, but the Judgment tarot card can guide you. Embrace its help to gain deeper insights and work towards becoming a better person.

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