October 22, 2024
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Zodiac Sign Ruler: Virgo
Astronomical Ruler: Mercury
Element: Earth
Type: Cadent (adapting)
Traditional Associations: work and job, health, pets, employees, techniques for self-improvement (Oken, Rulers of the Horoscope, 194)
Modern: What I integrate within myself so that I may serve others. (Oken, RotH, 194) Mundane, day-to-day responsibilities – chores, tasks, attending to details. Health and hygiene. Repair and maintenance department. Work and relations with co-workers/employees. Being of service to the community. Focus on tasks and getting the job done. Employment. (Perry, An Introduction to AstroPsychology, 365)

What Role the Sixth House Plays in Your Life?

Since the Sixth House represents our Quest for Service, it is the area of the chart that representing that quest by Signs and Points (if any are in this segment of the chart). If you have no Points in this House or Sign, then the energy is waiting to respond. Therefore, Points that progress or transit into this House will activate the energy at specific times in your life. People who have Points in the Sign that rules your 6th House will also activate this area of your life.

If you have a Point or several Points in this House, then the values and concerns of this House will take on the Significance of the Point or Points involved. Suppose your Sun occupies this House. If so, then your Life Path will be devoted to “What you integrate within yourself so that you may serve others”. Your approach to work, health, and helping others will take on primary importance in your life journey.

The Sixth House and the Zodiac Signs

The Sixth House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to support, service, and health. Depending on the Sign of your 6th House, astrologers can interpret how you work, act, and make choices to take care of yourself and others. The Air Signs will use their intellect and communication to serve. Fire Signs will use creativity and action. Earth Signs will be practical and conservative. Water Signs will invest their emotional energy and use close connections to support others.

Aries Ruling the Sixth House

Aries is a Fire Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on independent and maverick behavior to provide service to others. They work well on their own and prefer not to be managed. Positively, they offer unique skills and have an uncanny talent for adjusting in the moment. Negatively, they do not always work well with others and believe the rules do not apply to them. They do well in jobs that require them to act quickly and deliberately. In matters of health, they need to be active to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

Taurus Ruling the Sixth House

Taurus is an Earth Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with the Sign/House combination prefer to establish themselves and put down roots to do work. Consistent expectations and physical work suit them. Positively, they can become the lasting employee that is reliable and steadfast. Negatively, they can fail to grow and update their skills, leading to work obsolescence. They do well in jobs that require routine, physical labor, and work with the land. In matters of health, they often have strong constitutions that give them the ability to endure what others cannot; they must be careful about overindulging.

Gemini Ruling the Sixth House

Gemini is an Air Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on information gathering, networking, and communication to provide service to others. They work well gathering information, sharing ideas, and connecting organizational members. Positively, they can know all the moving pieces of an organization. Negatively, they can struggle to stay on task, causing problems in the work process for others that rely on them. Jobs that require fast thinking and mental versatility are ideal for these individuals. In matters of health, they need to take care of their minds and get proper rest; otherwise, they can be prone to anxiety or attention deficit challenges.

Cancer Ruling the Sixth House

Cancer is a Water Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on compassion, caring, and emotional fortitude to work for the benefit of others. They work well at jobs that support physical, mental, and emotional health. Positively, they are true caregivers and can support people emotionally who seek service from them and work with them. Negatively, they can treat clients and co-workers as if they are children who constantly need their supervision and direction. Jobs that require high levels of emotional intelligence are good for them. In matters of health, they need to rest regularly, since they can get caught in a downward spiral of emotional fatigue because someone is always in need.

Leo Ruling the Sixth House

Leo is a Fire Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on creativity, performance, and recognition to provide service to others. They work well entertaining others and where charm is both a skill and an asset for the work. Positively, they can make work enjoyable for everyone around them. Negatively, they seek undue appreciation and attention that detracts from the work and service they provide. Positions that let them be the “front face” of the organization or have an important role in human relations will suit them best. In matters of health, they need to have fun and be playful to maintain their physical and mental well-being. Laughter is the best medicine for these individuals.

Virgo Ruling the Sixth House

Virgo is the Earth Sign that rules this House, so individuals with the Sign/House combination prefer to use processes, invent, and problem-solve to enjoy their day-to-day work. They work best when they are managed well. Positively, they are the gold standard for service and support in any work environment. Negatively, their criticism, perfectionism, and nitpicking can delay projects and annoy co-workers. They do well in jobs that require them to provide solutions, follow the rules, and administer processes. In matters of health, they need to pay attention to their nutrition and follow regimens of exercise.

Libra Ruling the Sixth House

Libra is an Air Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on managing relationships and providing guidance to others to help everyone provide the best service. They work well as partners or as team leaders. Positively, their analytical skills and sense of fairness are great assets for any organization. Negatively, they can be indecisive and allow too much input from others who do know have enough knowledge or experience. They do well in jobs that require them to manage people and take care of work relationships. In matters of health, the quality of their relationships impacts their mental and physical health.

Scorpio Ruling the Sixth House

Scorpio is a Water Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on changing circumstances, their ability under pressure, and sex appeal to succeed in their day-to-day work. They work well on difficult projects and prefer to be change agents in the organization. Positively, they keep their jobs and the organization current and evolving. Negatively, they are manipulative and find ways to poison an organization. They do well in jobs that require the ability to deal with high stress, trauma, and change. In matters of health, they need to be careful not to take overtax themselves.

Sagittarius Ruling the Sixth House

Sagittarius is a Fire Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on the expertise, worldly knowledge, and broadening of the mind to be of service. They work well where expertise and interactions with many people are necessary. Positively, they are ideal employees for the first contact with new clients or new business partners. Negatively, they can believe they are better at the job than their employers. Work promoting the company mission and requiring deep, sophisticated knowledge will suit them. In matters of health, they need to get out and travel to maintain their physical and mental well-being.

Capricorn Ruling the Sixth House

Capricorn is an Earth Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be highly productive and successful in their day-to-day work. They work best when pursuing promotions or achievement goals. Positively, they can work longer and harder, with focused direction better than any other Sign. Negatively, they can act like dictators to co-workers and employees. They do well in jobs that require leadership, staying on a task over long periods of time, and measured success. In matters of health, they need to find the right balance of work and home life.

Aquarius Ruling the Sixth House

Aquarius is an Air Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on working with a group, community, or organization to enjoy their day-to-day work. They work well in a group and can keep everyone on task. Positively, they offer social skills to help the organization succeed. Negatively, they can become detached and uninterested, distancing themselves from co-workers and disregarding the goals of their employer. They do well in jobs that require them to keep the social fabric strong and where the goals of the work are idealistic. In matters of health, they are well-suited to follow the science of nutrition and exercise promoted by advanced thinking in these areas.

Pisces Ruling the Sixth House

Pisces is a Water Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on spirituality, guiding others emotionally, and adapting to the needs of others to find their purpose through service. They work best where they can employ their imagination and sensitivity to the work required. Positively, they offer intuition and insight into the day-to-day work that catches even the subtlest shifts in the emotional state of the organization. Negatively, they fail to show up when needed. They do well in jobs with clear parameters for outcomes, but also with openness between the start and completion of tasks. In matters of health, they need to feel they are living spiritually to keep their energy flowing positively.

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