October 22, 2024
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Zodiac Sign Ruler: Capricorn
Astronomical Ruler: Saturn
Element: Earth
Type: Angular (initiating)
Traditional Associations: career, status in the world, the father, culmination of professional activities (Oken, Rulers of the Horoscope, 194)
Modern: What I achieve through my efforts so that I may be supportive of others. (Oken, RotH, 194) Career, vocation, dominant goal. Potential for success. Ultimate impact one has upon society. Reputation, public image, honors, status, distinctions. Dominant other, attitudes toward authority and limits. Father, bosses, superiors. Capacity for and the way one handles authority. (Perry, An Introduction to AstroPsychology, 369)

What Role the Tenth House Plays in Your Life?

Since the Tenth House represents our Quest for Career, it is the area of the chart representing that quest by Signs and Points (if any are in this segment of the chart). If you have no Points in this House or Sign, then the energy is waiting to respond. Therefore, Points that progress or transit into this House will activate the energy at specific times in your life. People who have Points in the Sign that rules your 10th House will also activate this area of your life.

If you have a Point or several Points in this House, then the values and concerns of this House will take on the significance of the Point or Points involved. Suppose your Sun occupies this House. If so, then your Life Path will be devoted to “what you achieve through your efforts so that you may be supportive of others”. Your approach to work, status, and public duty will take on primary importance in your life journey.

The Tenth House and the Zodiac Signs

The Tenth House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to goals, achievements, and success. Depending on the Sign of your 10th House, astrologers can interpret how you work, act, and make choices to contribute to society in a productive way. The Air Signs will use their intellect and communication to produce. Fire Signs will use creativity and action. Earth Signs will be practical and conservative. Water Signs will invest their emotional energy and use close connections to make themselves valuable to society.

Aries Ruling the Tenth House

Aries is a Fire Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on independent and maverick behavior as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be independent and maverick when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring the entrepreneurial spirit to business and a “can do” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be abrasive and combative, unwilling to work under or with people. If they do attain status, it will likely be unimportant to them. They succeed best when they have deadlines and are left alone to meet them.

Taurus Ruling the Tenth House

Taurus is an Earth Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with the Sign/House combination prefer to establish themselves and put down roots as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be steadfast and persistent when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring reliability to business and a “have to do” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be stubborn and resistant, unwilling to learn new skills or make changes. If they do attain status, it will be important to them; respect is very important to this Sign. They succeed best when they have consistent expectations and patterns in their work and career.

Gemini Ruling the Tenth House

Gemini is an Air Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on information gathering, networking, and communication as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will gather information and network with people when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring sharp minds and the ability to multi-task to business and a “there is a solution for every problem” attitude to their work.

Negatively, they can be scattered and ineffective, unable to stay on task, and easily distracted by social situations. If they do attain status, it will likely be appreciated but not taken too seriously. They succeed best when they have roles facilitating information or communication within a business or institution.

Cancer Ruling the Tenth House

Cancer is a Water Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on compassion, caring, and emotional fortitude as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be nurturing and emotionally intelligent when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring family values to business and a “we take care of each other” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be more concerned about feelings than productivity. If they do attain status, it will be very important to them. They succeed best when they roles caretaking others in the organization or as part of the business model.

Leo Ruling the Tenth House

Leo is a Fire Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on creativity, performance, and recognition as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be engaging and charming when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring creativity and positive leadership to business with a “do what you love and love what you do” attitude about work. Negatively, they can be glory hounds, constantly in need of recognition and chasing accolades. If they do attain status, it will be very important to them. They succeed best when they have the chance to be the star of the company and pursue bonus goals.

Virgo Ruling the Tenth House

Virgo is an Earth Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with the Sign/House combination prefer to use processes, invent, and problem-solve as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be methodical and rule-following when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring administrative and bureaucratic skills to business and a “do it efficiently” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can sticklers to the details to such a degree that they cannot seize opportunities because all risk is considered dangerous. If they do attain status, they will demur and understated about it. They succeed best when they have clear guidelines and the right tools to get the job done.

Libra Ruling the Tenth House

Libra is an Air Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on managing relationships and providing guidance to others as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be analytical and diplomatic when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals work to form partnerships to help the business grow and bring a “we are in this together” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be too concerned about the thoughts and opinions of others, giving away their power. If they do attain status, they will want to share it with the people that helped them achieve it. They succeed best when they have partners or a team to work with.

Scorpio Ruling the Tenth House

Scorpio is a Water Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on changing circumstances, their ability under pressure, and sex appeal as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be intense and transformative when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring the essence of power to business and a “nothing will stop me” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be manipulative and power-hungry, doing whatever and whoever is necessary to help them succeed. If they do attain status, they will honor it and use it more effectively than any Sign except Capricorn. They succeed best when they are under pressure and dealing with intense situations.

Sagittarius Ruling the Tenth House

Sagittarius is a Fire Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on expertise, worldly knowledge, and broadening of the mind as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be adventurous and knowledgeable when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring a globalist spirit to business and an “explorer’s” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be authoritarian, demanding obedience and adulation from those that work with or under them. If they do attain status, it will be important to them. They succeed best when they lead others into the unknown and work internationally.

Capricorn Ruling the Tenth House

Capricorn is the Earth Sign that rules this House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be goal-oriented and success-driven as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be responsible and hard-working when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring the capitalist and meritocracy spirit to business and a “find a need, fill a need” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can believe the end justifies the means, disregarding any personal relationship or rules that would interfere with success. They succeed best when they have long-term strategic goals to meet.

Aquarius Ruling the Tenth House

Aquarius is an Air Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on working with a group, community, or organization as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be team-oriented and visionary when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring the “contribution to society” spirit to business and a “many hands make light work” attitude to their job. Negatively, they can be cold and calculating, seeing people as cogs in the machine they can use as they see fit. If they do attain status, they are happy to share it but are not deeply concerned with it. They succeed best when they have a great missionary statement to promote.

Pisces Ruling the Tenth House

Pisces is a Water Sign overlaying an Earth House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on spirituality, guiding others emotionally, and adapting to the needs of others as their way to be productive and attain prosperity. They will be intuitive and purposeful when pursuing success and attaining status. Positively, these individuals bring the “work as a calling” spirit to business and an “anything is possible” attitude to their work. Negatively, they can be lazy and lost in delusion, seeing work as unimportant if they do not feel like doing it. If they do attain status, it will likely be unimportant to them. They succeed best when they feel “called” to do the work.

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