October 22, 2024
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Leo sign

Lion ♌

/ July 23rd – August 22nd
Symbol :

Lion ♌

Dates :

July 23rd – August 22nd. If you were born at the beginning or end of the dates for a sign, then you would be “on the cusp” of one of the signs and feel the influence of the other sign

Element :

Fire Sign

Quality :


Natural House :


Ruling Planet :

The Sun

Key Phrase :

“I shine”

Motivations :

Performing and Leading

Energy :

Yang (Masculine)

Lucky Day :


Lucky Numbers :

2, 3, 5, 11, and 14

Colors :

Gold (primary), additional colors include: Yellow, Red, and Orange

Body Associations :

heart, spine, and upper back

Birth Stones :

Peridot (primary), additional stones include: Carnelian, amber, tiger’s eye, and sardonix

Tarot Cards :

The Strength and the Queen of Wands

Herbs Flowers :

Sunflower and Marigold

Leo is the fifth sign in the Zodiac, ruled by the Sun, and ruling the Fifth House. Leo symbolizes creativity, leadership, competition, and performance.

Fire signs possess huge amounts of energy that let them go about their tasks with a fierce intensity, passion, and creativity. Besides the four elements (Water, Fire, Earth, and Air), the twelve signs of the Zodiac have qualities. There are three qualities in astrology: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable. Leo is a fixed astrological sign.

Fixed signs fall in the middle of a season. These natives are the foundations of society. They are the builders and the preservers. Fixed signs take the ideas initiated by the Cardinal signs and they put them into motion to create something physical and substantial. Where the Cardinal signs are the “initiators,” the Fixed signs are the “establishers.” Their nature is incredibly reliable, and you know what to expect from them, and what you see is what you get.



Leo Personality Traits

Leo people are playful and extroverted. Often, they light up a room and can rally people to their cause. “Go big or go home” is their motto. The list below highlights fourteen traits of Leo.

14 key Leo Traits


1. Big and Warm Energy

When a Leo enters the room, you will know it. Leos have a strong and impressionable aura, and they light up the room wherever they go with their warmth and radiance. They exude generosity, and they have incredibly open hearts, which causes people to flock toward them. Leo is ruled by the Sun; and just like the Sun, Leo’s energy is big, warm, and bright.

2. Popular and Easy to Like

Leos have extremely warm hearts, and they care a lot for others. They possess friendly and vibrant personalities that make others feel comfortable in their presence. As a result, Leos can be rather popular among their peers, and they find it extremely easy to meet new people and make new friends.

3. High Standards

Leos want the best, and nothing less! They enjoy the finer things in life, and they work hard so that they can buy themselves the fancy, luxurious things they want. Leo’s appearance is crucial to them; therefore, they always ensure they look their absolute best from top to toe, no matter where they go.

4. Confident

Leos see themselves as royalty, and they will not show their weaknesses and failures to anyone. Most Leos prefer to focus on their best traits and achievements, and proudly tell others what they have accomplished and achieved, and not where they have failed. They stand firmly behind their beliefs, standards, and values and cannot easily be swayed or manipulated.

5. Show Stoppers!

Being the center of attention and the center stage is Leo’s dream! They love to excite a crowd and have the attention of the masses. Leos make exceptional artists, and they have a knack for any performance art. Leos do not get overwhelmed in the spotlight; on the contrary, they love the spotlight!

6. Powerful Leaders

Leos make the best bosses, CEOs, and directors as they know how to lead a team better than most other sun signs. A Leo will richly reward those beneath them for their hard work, and they will be passionate about helping those that work for them to succeed. A Leo boss stands with their employees through thick and thin, as a Leo sees their employees as their “pack” or “pride.”

7. Supportive

Leos can identify the strengths in others and help them shine. Leo is one of the rare signs that will build up others, and who will support them to achieve their goals. If a Leo can see potential in someone, they will help that person grow and become more prominent, just like the Leo themselves. Leo’s true motivation is to help others be the best versions of themselves possible.

8. Jealous

The same way how the lion is protective of his mate and his pack the same way Leo is protective of his family and partner. A Leo can get jealous quickly when they see someone else making moves on or flirting with their partner, and a jealous Leo can act impulsively and aggressively to ensure that what is theirs is protected. Leos also become insecure and jealous when another person outshines them and steals their attention.

9. Vain

Leos know they are amazing, and they can be quite arrogant when it comes to their appearance and achievements. If there is a mirror in the room, you can bet a Leo will consistently be glancing at it; and if there is a camera around, you can bet the Leo will end up in most of the pictures!

10. Bossy and Domineering

Leo is the opposite sign of Aquarius, which symbolizes teamwork and the community. For this reason, Leos do not like to work in teams, and they prefer to be the ones in charge of leading the team. They enjoy holding positions of authority as it gives them power. Leos love telling other people what to do and giving orders.

11. Cannot Accept Failure

A Leo needs to be seen in an honorable light by others. Leo’s worst nightmare is a failure from incompetence. Leos cannot stand to be thought of as unworthy by others. Leo wants to be the best; and when a Leo fails, a negative side of their usually happy, warm personality comes out, and they come depressed, cranky, and closed off.

12. Egotistical and Narcissistic

It is challenging for a Leo to be modest, and they struggle to accept their flaws and failures. When Leo fails, they will put walls up and deny any negligence on their part. Even when Leo’s ego has been bruised, they will not back down. It is up to the other person to apologize to Leo, as they will never admit it if they are wrong.

13. Lazy and Manipulative

Leos prefer to boss others around to get the job done, and they prefer not to do the dirty work themselves. Many Leos think that specific tasks and jobs are beneath them. If a Leo is not going to receive enough praise and recognition for the work they do, they simply will not do it and order somebody else to do it.

14. Lacks Flexibility

Like most fixed signs, Leos want things done their way. As a fixed sign, they can be extremely stubborn. Leos will become very annoyed when expected to adapt or adjust to something new according to another person’s terms.


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The Leo Zodiac Sign Woman

The Leo woman is easily noticed in everything she does. Governed by the Sun, the Leo woman is radiant and is very warm. She particularly likes to be front and center on the stage of life. Despite this attraction for attention, the Leo woman has a heart of gold and does not hesitate to share her generosity with the most disadvantaged.

A Leo woman has a strong personality. She does not hesitate to go out of her way to win or defend her rights. In addition, she particularly hates it when somebody else steals her show, both in her professional life and in her private life. She seeks, above all, to shine and become the best in everything she does. In addition, she is convinced that she has all the skills to do so and would not want to deprive herself. Her optimism creates respect.

The Leo woman has great confidence and does not impose limits on herself. People recognize this character trait because she keeps fighting when everyone else has already given up. She is an outgoing person with an innate charm. Her natural charisma often propels her towards a leadership position in a group.

The Leo Zodiac Sign Man

Ruled by the Sun, the sign of Leo in a male natal chart unveils a luminous and warm being. A Leo man always wants to shine in everything he does. He can easily fill the shoes of a leader.

The Leo man is ambitious and he has great confidence in himself and his own abilities. He loves showing off his talents and being in the spotlight. Working as an actor or director suits him well. Like the animal that represents him, the Leo man always wants to be the alpha male, the star to admire, and let anyone trying to steal the spotlight beware. In truth, however, behind this facade hides a sympathetic and generous man, very much appreciated by his loved ones.

A Leo man is often very confident about himself and his ability to succeed professionally. However, like the king of the jungle, he has this unfortunate tendency to always want to delegate as much as possible until he loses control. It is a flaw that will earn him many setbacks until he finds the motivation to reinvest himself in his work.

The Leo Child

Leo’s children prefer to be the center of attention. They need to learn how to share properly and be respectful, especially since they want to be respected one day. Any time they transgress or need correcting, it should be handled privately and sternly. Public humiliation can do serious damage to their evolving ego. They appreciate power properly wielded and will become difficult if they do not think you are powerful enough to discipline them.

The best rule of thumb in teaching them is to moderate praise, but use it as a tool to motivate them. This sign, more than any other, can act like a little tyrant if they do not get their way and the parent fails to act with proper authority. They can be successful on teams where they can advance to leadership roles. They need to be taught self-discipline, proper respect for others, and how to lose graciously (because it will be one of their main life lessons).

The Leo Zodiac Sign as a Parent

The Leo parent can be very loving and involved, but also sets high expectations, especially if they discover their child has a talent or stand-out skill. If the situation calls for dealing with a crisis, Leo’s parents will jump right and look to play the hero. These parents can be among the most engaging and will support all opportunities for their child to participate and lead in a sport, talent, or role among peers.

In Friendship

Leo people are fun friends and very gregarious. They love to entertain and gather people around them to celebrate. They love to compete with friends and will always want to keep the energy flowing when doing something with friends. Appearances and status mean a lot to this sign.

Friendships come rather easily but can go off the rails if Leo feels slighted in some way. A smart Leo friend will never take up more than 49% of the attention; a brilliant Leo friend will stay in the 30% range on the “getting attention” scale. They are wonderfully loyal and will drop anything to get to a friend in need if they will be properly appreciated for their efforts.

In Love

Leos loves to be in love; they are the figures on the romance novel covers. Like their friendships, they need at least 51% of the attention. The more the get, the more they are willing to give back. What makes them so much fun is their passion and creativity; they make the best playmates, so playfulness needs to be essential in the relationship for it to last. And they like to go out and show off and be shown off. A Leo romance will wither on the vine without sunshine and lots of attention.

Zodiac signs compatibility

At Work

The profession that suits them best? It is a job that allows them to have an excellent social status. They need to be recognized and envied by all. That is why CEO, leader or manager jobs are particularly well suited, especially in areas related to politics, religion, and industry. They also do well in competitive fields, creative arts, and work involving youths.

While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Leo jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Leo prefers to be in charge, performing, or promoting when it comes to work and career.

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