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Michael O’Connor’s Weekly Astro Insight

Tip of the Week, September 17 – 23, 2021

Autumn Equinox occurs on September 22. Among the most significant attributes of the chart cast for this exact moment is the Full Moon in Aries – a highly reactive placement.

Mars in Libra and Venus in Scorpio, although in mutual reception, add revolutionary depth and other relationship complexities to the plot.

Mercury, also in justice and fairness oriented Libra, is in close opposition to the Moon and both Mercury and the Full Moon are posing an exact 90-degree angle to Pluto. This is a potent aspect pattern called a T-square. Pluto in government-authority Capricorn at the apex adds a big charge to this already loaded pattern, suggesting continued heavy-handed measures by authorities.

Jupiter and Saturn, the two ‘social’ planets both in Aquarius, are quite harmonious supporting the awakening process stemming from the information war.

Neptune in Pisces all the while is technically ‘unaspected’ producing a wild card effect posing a challenge regarding how to help people to break from trance-induced denial. This seed event will have a lingering effect throughout the season.

In the bigger picture, Uranus in Taurus in exact 180-degree opposition to Venus is the loudest hint regarding these complexities.

Anyone who is really seeing through the smoke and the mirrors of our times realizes that this entire process is directly linked to the emergence of a global economy. Naturally, this includes themes of power as evidenced by Pluto in Capricorn. Expect the unprecedentedly large tug-of-war between hidden powers and the mass populations of the world to reach new heights and depths…

2021 will go down in the history books as phase 2 of a global initiation, with 2020 marking phase 1. Now, the entire world is unified in a common way due to the fact that every place on the planet is contending with the same fundamental issue. Details aside, what is being born out of this, positively speaking, is a global recognition of our similarities and commonalities. All, race, religion, creed, culture and language and so on… aside, a new quality of appreciation of our collectivity, of our humanity is being born.

However, there is no getting back to normal.

The deeper reality is that tyranny has and continues to be exercised by governments the world over. Much of humanity is even more awakened to the significant influence of hidden powers and agendas. Yet, many remain dazed and confused, not having any real notion or capacity to recognize the reality, scope, and depth of these hidden networks. Given that wealth is shifting quickly to fewer and fewer hands should be very evident and this is one of the symptoms. If not put in check, Fascism will become the global norm.

On the other hand, there are reasons to say looking at the planetary alignments that this general process is destined. I say ‘general’ because how we individually and collectively react and respond to the cycles of destiny is somewhat relative – probable but relative. In the bigger picture, it is the dawning Aquarian Age that is producing such a massive shift and it is hardly over yet. With Pluto, the planet of transformation entering Aquarius on March 23, 2023, it will activate a 20-year cycle as it transits slowly through the sign of the Aquarius, the Water Bearer. It is likely that this final process will seal the deal. As might be expected, by this time, the world will have undergone many changes and the social and political climate will be significantly different than it is now.

The last time Pluto entered Aquarius was April 4, 1777. It is common knowledge that this marks the time period of the American Revolution. It should also be noted that it was the 20-year period leading to this time in which Pluto was in Capricorn, as it is now and has been since 2008, and will be until 2023 as mentioned above. 

The rise of tyranny and the reaction to it was so strong, as was evidenced in the volumes of writing that were done during the years leading to the American Revolution and years to follow, that it changed the world forever.

In this regard, it may be said that Pluto entering Aquarius marks the next major phase of that process. Not surprisingly, what is so significantly at stake is the American Constitution which upholds liberty, democracy, and individual rights and freedoms.

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