Throughout each month transiting points create dynamic relationships with your natal chart points. Often times two transiting points will relate to one another in a way that affects us all, depending on the points involved.
This article will look at one of these dynamics happening between two points this month, Jupiter in Capricorn trining Uranus in Taurus. When two points trine with one another, they support one another. The point of expansion and adventure will give support to and get support from the point of revolution and wisdom.
This month, when the faster moving Jupiter reaches 02 degrees 56 minutes (02d56m) of Capricorn, it will trine with Uranus at the same degree, but in Taurus, at 1:02 pm EST on December 15th. The impact of this relationship begins to be felt up to 3 degrees before and 3 degrees after the exact aspect and is known as the orb of influence. When the faster moving body approaches, the aspect is said to be approaching and is building energy. Once the exact aspect has passed, the aspect is said to be separating and is losing energy. The duration of this particular aspect will run from December 9th to December 20th.
Jupiter represents expansion, exploration, and the spread of ideas and experiences. Jupiter rules travel, higher education, and religious institutions through the 9th House of Mastership in modern astrology. In traditional astrology, Jupiter also ruled dreams, imagination, and spiritual wisdom through the 12th House of Spirituality. It is a fire point that travels through each sign of the Zodiac within a year or slightly more, meaning it completes a full cycle every 12 years.
With Jupiter moving through Capricorn at this time, the keynote is, “expansion is expedited in prudent, conscientious ways” and the symbol is, “the president of a large corporation negotiates a merger” (Astrology: The Divine Science, Moore, and Douglas, 160). With Jupiter in Capricorn, it looks to Saturn for additional guidance. Saturn is currently in Capricorn so Jupiter needs to act with discipline and restraint.
The Sabian Symbol is 3 Capricorn, “the human soul receptive to growth and understanding”. From the book, The Sabian Symbols, author Marc Edmund Jones says, “this is a symbol of humankind’s fundamentally naïve capacity for experience, and of every individual’s equally fundamental dependence on the understanding and support of fellow participants in each moment of self-discovery”.
He assigns the keyword as AVIDITY [extreme eagerness]. Further, he says, “when positive, the degree is a gift for entering into the kaleidoscopic patterns of personal relationship with an unbounded enthusiasm, and when negative, simple shiftlessness or abandon” (243).
Uranus represents revolution, breakthroughs, sudden changes in fortune, and emerging ideas. Uranus rules technology and science and the benefits and problems they bring and solve for the 11th House of Community. It is an air point that is generational, spending around 8 years in a sign. Currently, Uranus is moving through the sign of Taurus, which entered this year in March.
With Uranus moving through Taurus at this time, the entire planet is going to be dealing with some radical changes related to the earth (Taurus), and resources that impact daily life (Taurus rulership of the 2nd House of Resources and Security). We can expect new innovations (Uranus) from its time in Aries, that make it into Taurus, to become part of the “everyday life” (Taurus). And also, aspects of everyday life (Taurus) will go through some radical changes (Uranus).
The keynote is, “revolution breaks old traditions to begin new ones” and the symbol is, “a family arrives at the restaurant in a driverless car”. With Uranus in Taurus, it looks to Venus for additional guidance. Venus is currently in Capricorn so Uranus needs to form relationships with disciplined partners and stable circumstances.
The Sabian Symbol is 3 Taurus, “steps up to a lawn blowing with clover”. Jones says, “this is a symbol of the indomitable outreaching of the human spirit on the side of a possible and profitable co-operation with the natural universe, and of man’s intuition of divine reality as he entrenches himself in beauty and order”.
The keyword is HOPEFULNESS. Further, he says, “When positive, the degree is a creative optimism brought to embrace every facet of everyday striving, and when negative, an unwarranted self-indulgence and a disregard of all practical reality through a concern over the phantasmal and impossible.” (182).
The trine aspect creates a powerful flow between two points. If a sextile aspect, also a flowing aspect, is a straw’s diameter, then a trine is the glass or cup diameter the straw would be sitting in to extract the liquid. Jupiter and Uranus trine in earth signs represents a powerful opportunity at breakthroughs that can affect everyday life in truly positive ways.
This energy would be akin to the positive intention and real results of putting a man on the moon or connecting continents with trans-Atlantic cable, or any seemingly impossible or fantastic task that changes the understanding and action in the world on a fundamental level. Jupiter aims high and Uranus shakes the foundations. Together there is a chance for tremendous results.
Jupiter and Uranus are two points often associated with wisdom. For Jupiter, the wisdom comes from scholarly study or worldly travel a la Sagittarius. For Uranus, the wisdom comes from the idealization of what communities need to make them thrive a la Aquarius. The breakthrough energy will go down to the roots (Taurus) while reaching for the top of the mountain (Capricorn).
In your personal life, this can be a period to restructure your financial plans to think about both what you need for security and what you need for growth. Do not be afraid to challenge your foundations and implement a plan for high achievement.