March 4, 2025
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Astrology is a tool of time and space. As the Solar System runs through its cycles, astrologers follow the patterns the same way a meteorologist follows the weather. Each month points in the sky form important relationships, which we call aspects, that indicate emerging, changing, and enduring patterns.

This blog will look at the month ahead and discuss the most prominent aspects, and how they impact us. These astrological “weather” events can help you navigate your life and each month successfully.



What is Ongoing?  Transits, Ingresses, and Retrogrades



Transits occur when two Points form a certain type of angular relationship with one another. The most powerful among the transits are the conjunction, square, and opposition. Points that conjunct merge together by sharing the same sign and degree. Points that square align by the degree in signs that are 90 degrees (or four signs) apart. Take the sequence Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn – Libra and Capricorn are four signs apart and square one another. Points oppose one another when they are 180 degrees apart.

Conjunct Points merge energy. Points squaring challenge one another. And Points opposing one another try to harmonize and attain balance.


Ingress occurs when a Point changes signs, causing the Point to change its tone. If a Point is in Aries, the tone is active, aggressive, and ready for action. But when the Point ingresses into Taurus, the tone becomes slow, steady, and settling.


The term retrograde describes forward motion that “appears” as backward motion. Astrology views the Solar System from an earth-centric rather than sun-centric point of reference. As a result, there are times of the year when points in the sky “look” like they are going backwards. Retrograde motion occurs when a faster-moving body passes a slower-moving body. Therefore, the observer on the faster-moving body watches the slower-moving body “go backwards” as they pass each other.





The Sun

The Sun changes signs on September 22nd. As the Sun transitions from Virgo to Libra, we move from Virgo’s practical, detail-oriented energy to Libra’s harmonious, relationship-focused drive. Virgo encourages us to refine our skills, attend to our health, and seek self-improvement through diligent effort. With Libra’s influence, the focus shifts towards balance, cooperation, and resolving conflicts. This transition signifies a time to improve relationships and embrace a more diplomatic and graceful approach to life’s challenges.


Mercury starts the month in Leo and ingresses into Virgo September 9th. As Mercury ingresses from Leo into Virgo, communication shifts from Leo’s bold, dramatic expression to Virgo’s precise, analytical focus. In Leo, Mercury encourages creative and confident speech, emphasizing self-expression and leadership. As it enters Virgo, thoughts become more detail-oriented, practical, and organized. This transition enhances problem-solving abilities, attention to detail, and the desire for clarity. So it becomes an ideal time for refining ideas and improving efficiency in communication.

On September 26th, Mercury will ingress from Virgo into Libra. As Mercury moves from Virgo into Libra, communication transitions from Virgo’s meticulous, analytical style to Libra’s balanced, diplomatic approach. In Virgo, Mercury fosters precision, attention to detail, and practical problem-solving. As it enters Libra, the focus shifts to harmony, fairness, and collaboration in communication. This period enhances social interactions, encouraging compromise and the pursuit of justice. Consequently, it is an ideal time for negotiations, relationship-building, and finding common ground.


Venus begins September in Libra and ingresses into Scorpio on September 22nd. As Venus moves from Libra into Scorpio, relationships and values transition from Libra’s harmonious, balanced approach to Scorpio’s intense energy. Libra’s focus on fairness, beauty, and social harmony gives way to Scorpio’s desire for depth and emotional intensity in relationships. This shift encourages deeper connections, exploring hidden desires, and embracing transformative experiences in love. Scorpio Venus inspires us to seek meaningful, profound bonds, prioritizing emotional honesty and the power of vulnerability in our connections.


Mars starts September in Gemini and ingresses into Cancer on September 4th. As Mars moves from Gemini into Cancer, the energy shifts from Gemini’s quick, communicative style to Cancer’s nurturing, emotional focus. In Gemini, Mars encourages curiosity, adaptability, and mental agility, promoting dynamic interactions and versatile actions. As it enters Cancer, the emphasis turns to protecting loved ones, emotional motivation, and defending personal values. This transition inspires us to act with sensitivity and care, channeling our energy into home, family, and emotionally fulfilling pursuits.


Pluto is retrograde and ingresses from Aquarius back into Capricorn on September 1st. As retrograde Pluto moves from Aquarius back into Capricorn, the focus shifts from Aquarius’s forward-thinking energy to Capricorn’s ambitious influence. In Aquarius, Pluto encourages transformation through innovation and societal change, challenging established norms. As it re-enters Capricorn, the emphasis returns to restructuring power, authority, and traditional institutions. This transition invites us to revisit and reassess long-standing structures in our lives. The shift in energy promotes deep introspection and necessary changes in areas of responsibility and control.






Saturn went retrograde on June 29th and remains retrograde for the entire month of September. During its retrograde phase in Pisces, Saturn prompts reflection on spiritual growth and boundaries. You may reassess your spiritual beliefs, seeking to strengthen your connection to the divine. It will be a good time to establish healthy boundaries in your spiritual practices and relationships.


Chiron went retrograde on July 27th and remains retrograde for the entire month of September. During its retrograde phase in Aries, Chiron encourages introspection and healing of old wounds related to self-identity and assertiveness. This retrograde provides opportunities for personal growth by confronting and overcoming past hurts, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and empowerment.


Uranus goes retrograde on September 2nd. During its retrograde phase in Taurus, Uranus encourages introspection and reevaluation of stability, values, and personal safety. This retrograde period provides opportunities for growth by challenging old patterns and embracing change in areas related to finances. It prompts us to confront and transform outdated beliefs, ultimately leading to greater freedom and a renewed sense of self-worth.


Neptune went retrograde on July 3rd and remains retrograde for the entire month of September. During its retrograde phase in Pisces, Neptune dissolves illusions and prompts deep introspection, urging you to confront hidden fears. This period fosters spiritual growth, helping to distinguish between dreams and reality, and encouraging inner healing and heightened intuition.


Pluto went retrograde on May 3rd and remains retrograde for all of September. While retrograde in Capricorn, Pluto prompts reflection on power structures and personal authority. This period encourages you to reassess your approach to responsibility and control. Consequently, you need to challenge outdated systems and seeking transformation in areas related to career, ambition, and long-term goals. It’s a time to reconsider how you navigate authority and power, both in your life and within society.


Current Positions



Jupiter is firmly in Gemini and will remain there until June 10th 2025. While in Gemini, Jupiter expands the realms of communication, intellect, and curiosity. Individuals may experience a surge in mental activity, seeking knowledge and diverse experiences. Jupiter in Gemini encourages exploration, especially in the realms of learning, travel, and social interactions.


Saturn has been in Pisces since March 2023 and will be there until February 13th 2026. While in Pisces, Saturn brings lessons of spiritual growth, compassion, and emotional boundaries. Individuals may confront issues related to faith, empathy, and self-sacrifice. Saturn in Pisces demands discipline in navigating the depths of emotions and the unseen realms. It urges practicality in dealing with illusions and fostering a sense of responsibility towards collective well-being.


Chiron has been in Aries since April 2018 and will remain there until April 14th 2027. While in Aries, Chiron brings attention to issues of identity, self-worth, and assertiveness. Individuals may confront wounds related to self-image, confidence, and independence. Additionally, Chiron in Aries prompts healing through self-discovery, courage, and embracing personal power. Therefore, it encourages individuals to confront their vulnerabilities head-on, fostering resilience and self-empowerment.


Uranus has been in Taurus since May 2018 and will remain there until April 25th 2026. While in Taurus, Uranus brings innovative changes to financial systems and personal values. This period encourages unconventional approaches to security and possessions, causing breakthroughs in stability and everyday values. Expect sudden shifts in how daily life operates and financial matters.


Neptune has been in Pisces since April 2011 and will remain there until January 26th 2026. While in Pisces, Neptune heightens intuition, spirituality, and imagination. It dissolves boundaries between the material and spiritual realms, inspiring compassion, empathy, and artistic expression. Individuals will experience heightened sensitivity and a deep connection to the collective unconscious. However, it also introduces escapism, illusion, and deception, reminding individuals to discern reality from fantasy.


Pluto entered Aquarius on March 23, 2023 and will remain there until 2044. It will make a brief return to Capricorn from September 2nd to November 19th, 2024. While in Aquarius, Pluto prompts deep transformation within collective structures and societal norms. It challenges outdated systems, encouraging innovation, and revolution in social dynamics. Individuals may experience a profound urge for freedom, equality, and progressive change. However, Pluto’s influence in Aquarius also introduces extremism and radicalism. This transit urges individuals to navigate power struggles with integrity and mindfulness.


Major Planetary Interaction


The week to week interactions only take into account aspects involving Mars to Pluto. The aspect duration among them is long enough to make a noticeable impact on global affairs.

September 1st to September 7th

Retrograde Uranus in Taurus sextile (compliments) retrograde Neptune in Pisces (September 1st to September 30th)

During this transiting aspect, we can expect innovative and harmonious shifts in our values and dreams. Uranus in Taurus inspires new approaches to material and financial stability, while Neptune in Pisces enhances our intuition and creativity. This alignment leads to breakthroughs in spiritual and practical realms, blending imagination with reality.

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces sextile (compliments) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn (September 1st to September 30th)

During the sextile between retrograde Neptune in Pisces and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, we experience profound transformation in our values. Neptune in Pisces deepens our intuition and spiritual insights, while Pluto in Capricorn encourages the restructuring of power and authority. This harmonious aspect facilitates the blending of dreams with practical action. Consequently, this can lead to breakthroughs that align our inner vision with tangible, real-world changes.

Retrograde Uranus in Taurus trine (collaborates with) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn (September 2nd to September 22nd)

During this aspect, retrograde Uranus in Taurus trine retrograde Pluto in Capricorn fosters transformative changes in financial and material stability. This alignment encourages innovative approaches to restructuring long-standing systems, blending practicality with unconventional ideas. It’s a powerful time for reevaluating and revolutionizing the foundations of security, authority, and personal values.

Jupiter in Gemini sextile (compliments) retrograde Chiron in Aries (September 7th to September 30th)

During this aspect, transiting Jupiter in Gemini sextile retrograde Chiron in Aries encourages healing through expanded communication and learning. This alignment encourages growth and wisdom by addressing past wounds with a fresh viewpoint. It’s an ideal time for exploring new ideas, sharing insights, and using knowledge to overcome personal challenges and promote self-improvement.

September 8th to September 15th

Uranus in Taurus sextile (compliments) retrograde Neptune in Pisces continues

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces sextile (compliments) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn continues

Retrograde Uranus in Taurus trine (collaborates with) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn continues

Jupiter in Gemini sextile (compliments) retrograde Chiron in Aries continues

September 16th to September 23rd

Uranus in Taurus sextile (compliments) retrograde Neptune in Pisces continues

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces sextile (compliments) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn continues

Retrograde Uranus in Taurus trine (collaborates with) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn continues

Jupiter in Gemini sextile (compliments) retrograde Chiron in Aries continues

September 24th to September 30th

Uranus in Taurus sextile (compliments) retrograde Neptune in Pisces continues

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces sextile (compliments) retrograde Pluto in Capricorn continues

Jupiter in Gemini sextile (compliments) retrograde Chiron in Aries continues

Mars in Cancer trine (collaborates with) retrograde Saturn in Pisces (September 25th to October 1st)

During this aspect, transiting Mars in Cancer trine retrograde Saturn in Pisces promotes productive efforts toward achieving long-term goals. This alignment supports disciplined action and strategic planning, blending Mars’ drive and determination with Saturn’s focus and responsibility. It’s an ideal time for tackling projects with patience and persistence, leading to stable and meaningful progress.



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