October 22, 2024
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Zodiac Sign Ruler: Aquarius
Astronomical Ruler: Uranus (modern) | Saturn (Hellenistic)
Element: Air
Type: Succedent (stabilizing)
Traditional Associations: groups and organizations; friends and associates; hopes, wishes, and aspirations (Oken, Rulers of the Horoscope, 195)
Modern: What I envision as truth and how I may distribute this vision to others. (Oken, RotH, 194) Ideals and aspirations for humanity as a whole. Friends of like mind bound together for a common cause. Movements, humanitarian concerns, group associations. Activities on the cutting edge of change. Colleagues and associates. Progressive ideas, hopes, altruistic acts. (Perry, An Introduction to AstroPsychology, 370)

What Role does the Eleventh House Play in Your Life?

Since the Eleventh House represents our Quest for Community, it is the area of the chart representing that quest by Signs and Points (if any are in this segment of the chart). If you have no Points in this House or Sign, then the energy is waiting to respond. Therefore, Points that progress or transit into this House will activate the energy at specific times in your life. People who have Points in the Sign that rules your 11th House will also activate this area of your life.

If you have a Point or several Points in this House, then the values and concerns of this House will take on the significance of the Point or Points involved. Suppose your Sun occupies this House. If so, then your Life Path will be devoted to “what you envision as truth and how you may distribute this vision to others”. Your approach to ideals, community, and friendships will take on primary importance in your life journey.

The Eleventh House and the Zodiac Signs

The Eleventh House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to your role in your community and society. Depending on the Sign of your 11th House, astrologers can interpret how you work, act, and make choices to find your place locally, nationally, and in the world. The Air Signs will use their intellect and communication to find their place of belonging. Fire Signs will use creativity and action. Earth Signs will be practical and conservative. Water Signs will invest their emotional energy and use close connections to discover their role and contribute.

Aries Ruling the Eleventh House

Aries is a Fire Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on independent and maverick thinking as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be independent and maverick when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring individualistic energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Warrior archetype. Negatively, they can be nomadic and unable or unwilling to be part of something greater than themselves. If they do find their group, they will defend it fiercely and prefer to move as freely as possible within their community and society.

Taurus Ruling the Eleventh House

Taurus is an Earth Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be steadfast, conservative, and careful as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be conservative and traditional when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring the foundational energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Builder archetype. Negatively, they can become relics of past and outdated attitudes about community and society. If they do find their group, they will be the bedrock of the community: steadfast, reliable, and stabilizing.

Gemini Ruling the Eleventh House

Gemini is an Air Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with the Sign/House combination prefer to use communication, information, and networking as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be curious and open-minded when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring networking energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Messenger archetype. Negatively, they can be gossips and instigators, using the information to stir up trouble rather than improve relationships. If they do find their group, they will help keep everyone connected and manage the day-to-day communications that help maintain healthy dynamics among many people.

Cancer Ruling the Eleventh House

Cancer is a Water Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on sympathy, intuition, and emotional intelligence as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be emotional and nurturing when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring caring and healing energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Mother archetype. Negatively, they can be smothering and overprotective, stunting the emotional growth of members of the community. If they do find their group, they will treat everyone as family.

Leo Ruling the Eleventh House

Leo is a Fire Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on humor, creativity, and performing as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be romantic and charming when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring joyful and playful energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Performer archetype. Negatively, they can be narcissistic, demanding attention and accolades constantly, and often taking credit for the accomplishments of others. If they do find their group, they will promote playful interactions and community events to bring everyone together for celebration and group efforts that can help those in need.

Virgo Ruling the Eleventh House

Virgo is an Earth Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be critical, meticulous, and thoughtful as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be methodical and careful when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring problem-solving and service energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Administrator archetype. Negatively, they can be critical and discriminatory, holding others to impossible standards and looking for “gotcha” moments to point out when people are breaking the rules, no matter what the reason. If they do find their group, they will help take care of the practical needs of everyone.

Libra Ruling the Eleventh House

Libra is an Air Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be analytical, fair, and balanced as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be relational and negotiate when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring the partnering and fairness energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Lawmaker archetype. Negatively, they can try to please everyone, embracing compromise instead of collaboration. If they do find their group, they will work to keep everything and everyone in balance, working to solve disputes and problems among group members and from outside the group.

Scorpio Ruling the Eleventh House

Scorpio is a Water Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on questioning, intensity, and manipulation as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be intense and private when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring transformative energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Change Agent archetype. Negatively, they can be power manipulators, controlling the group or undermining the group “from behind the scenes”. If they do find their group, they will do what is needed to keep the group strong and healthy, emotionally, financially, and soulfully.

Sagittarius Ruling the Eleventh House

Sagittarius is a Fire Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on exploration, intricate thinking, and philosophy as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be adventurous and scholarly when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring the wider worldview energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Explorer archetype. Negatively, they can be authoritarian, using belief as a weapon to promote those they like and smite those they do not like. If they do find their group, they will encourage everyone to share knowledge from experience to strengthen the group dynamic.

Capricorn Ruling the Eleventh House

Capricorn is an Earth Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be commanding, directive, and strategic as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be ambitious and goal-oriented when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring leadership and responsibility energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Father archetype. Negatively, they can be overbearing and demanding, so much so that others come to fear them or seek escape from them. If they do find their group, they will lead the community and work to provide for everyone they care about.

Aquarius Ruling the Eleventh House

Aquarius is the Air Sign ruling this House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination prefer to be social, idealistic, and friendly as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be social and purposeful when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring idealistic energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Social or Civil Engineer archetype. Negatively, they can encourage fascist thinking, creating an “us” versus “them” mentality for the group. If they do find their group, they will help integrate everyone into a social network that promotes both individual accomplishment and group cohesion.

Pisces Ruling the Eleventh House

Pisces is a Water Sign overlaying an Air House, so individuals with this Sign/House combination will rely on imagination, intuition, and empathy as their way to find and be a part of the community. They will be intuitive and spiritual when looking for their tribe. Positively, these individuals bring the self and other awareness energy to the community and fulfill the role of the Counselor archetype. Negatively, they can be unrealistic and naïve, allowing dangerous elements to come into the community through them. If they do find their group, they will be spiritual leaders or guides for the community members, helping each member discern and embrace his or her purpose.

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