January 18, 2025
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The Energy and Magik of October

The Energy and Magik of October

The Goddess Kali and Chiron in Aries gives us the wakeup call we need. 

The fierce goddess of the dark sea brings to life ancient history, wisdom, and magical forces along with her Goddess sisters.  Her name means “fullness of time.”  Which is a theme for this October.  “Time.”  Father Time and a dive into the remainder of this year that brought much change, wanted or unwanted.  If you were on board or went with the flow, this year brought what was needed to remove many layers.  It is the only way we move forward.  There is a fierce motherly and fatherly love to who we are.  It is proven from the top on down.  Each and every Zodiac sign played a significant role this year. 

Ceres in Aquarius captures the essence of the Goddess Kwan Yin, Mother of Compassion.  This shows us regarding the “red string story”, we are all connected.  All life forms.  Our passions, our emotions.  The tides flow in this October.  Beauty, balance, reality, and a bit of magic is welcomed. 

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Ra is liberated in the Libra sun.  The sun gives us a purpose in our life.  Which is a key theme this month as we coincide and turn to the Archangel Zadkiel.  Our life purpose come to the forefront of our life.  If we have been paying attention, wonderful.  If not, the moon will show you the way. 

The Moon is full on October 1st in the sign of Aries.  New ideas, inspiration, and fruition present itself.  The path is presented right until the very end of the month on the 31st when the Moon again turns full in the beautiful sign of the Taurus.  Where Archangel Uriel is leading us through and to our life purpose.  It is time to use your mind.  Your words are magnetic.  Teaching, Learning, Reading, Researching, Writing, they all come easy to you during this time.  Much is being manifested. 

The Planet Mercury presents itself in Scorpio until the 27th.  Think of the Goddess Artemis along with her garden, nymphs, and devas.   As well as her sister goddess the brilliant Athena.  They, along with the fairies are the Divine Spark.  Manifesting thoughts and ideas to move through the planets and bring to fruition. 

Venus here starts in the beauty of Leo the lion, moves to the stability of Virgo on October 2nd, and the balance of Libra on the 27th.  Many downloads occur.  The Goddess Venus as well as the Archeia Faith, Hope, and Charity as their Twin Soul Divine Counterparts play a role, Michael, Gabriel, and Chamuel.  Love, Self Love, Self Care, Self Awareness, Self Respect all come into play.  As does the Triple Goddess Hekate.  Along with Hera and Hestia (also known as Vestia), Hekate is known as heaven, earth, and the underworld’s goddess.  The Goddess of 3.  The Goddess of Movement.  Which coincides with the planet Venus this month as well as the Archangel Zadkiel.  Purple and White play a role.  The colors are divine and full of purpose, as are we.                           

The planet Mars is in its home state of Aries until the end of the year  As is Lilith.

They both play a role of passion and purpose & Lilith’s position takes fruition… ie “fruit of the labor” in October.  

Jupiter is in Capricorn all year until December 19th.  Purpose, our own individual purpose is important.  It is a reminder to not mind what anyone else thinks.  You and your purpose are what is important.  You, your individuality, your own way.  Compassion, grace, synchronicity, all play a role.  When you find your own way, you work better with others.   Capricorn wants you to find your own way.  It also loves teaching and learning.  The theme of new ideas, new thoughts, and even new realities appear. 

Where we move into Saturn, and all the possibilities.  It is also in Capricorn until December 16th.  16 is the number of thoughts.  All combined connects again with the Archangel Uriel and our life purpose.   

Saturn is also the Father of Time and Travel.  As well as exploration.  Time to explore something new.  Reach out to someone you care about.  Cook a home-cooked meal.  Sit by the fire.  Explore a new book, a new thought.  Write in your journal.  Ideas are created every second. 

In the Planet of Uranus, we have the Goddess Hekate as well as Hera and Hestia in the sign of the Taurus where it has been all year.  It leads us to the year 2024.  New Goals are being installed.   New truth and knowledge are being instilled.  As well as new goals.  Perhaps cosmic goals. 

Neptune follows Hestia this October into Pisces.  We are in transformation.  We also are included in magic, the colors orange, “where there is a will there is a way,” but with ease.  Time flows properly especially when you are guided.  Tap into your guides.  Tap into your soul.  Tap into Pluto.  This manifests knowledge.  It manifests dreams.  It manifests work, but not the thought of “hard work.”  We do what we were born to.  When that applies, we are happy with what we do, and we do it happily. 

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With Pluto in Capricorn until 2022.  The Angels are always near.  As are the Goddesses.  Not only to assist but to manifest and bring to fruition.  In Capricorn and Pluto this year and moving through the next two years, we are affecting the world through thought.  It is time to dig deep.

“The light is the counterpart to the light of your Higher Self» known by the Archangel Zadkiel & The Goddess Hathor.  Who predominantly play a role throughout the next two years. 

The ability to manifest dreams arises this month of October and Lilith in Aries October moves us closer.    Before the 22nd, do the work, work the magic, and when the 22nd enters, allow the magic to flow, appreciate the work.  On the 23rd the Goddess stands tall, Lilith making way for the Goddess Lakshmi, goddess of abundance on the 24th.   Black Moon Lilith is in love.  And so, should you be. 

Sneak peak for November will be Archangel Metatron as well as the White Moon Selena. 

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