While November 18th to November 23rd are the days when the Sun can change signs, the cusp date range extends from November 16th to October 25th. If you happen to be born on one of those days, you are “on the cusp” of Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Leading with Scorpio
If you happen to be born “on the side of” Scorpio, then Scorpio traits lead your Sun sign expression. The symbol for Scorpio is the scorpion; older symbols include the eagle and the snake. As the Fixed Water sign, these individuals work hard as change agents, transformers, and power brokers. They are at their best dealing with intense situations, people in crisis, and issues involving sexuality and intimacy. They must learn “playfulness or lightness of heart” to manifest their best results. Being near Sagittarius makes them more adventurous and philosophical, which helps these Scorpio individuals be less introverted and more exploratory.
Strengths of Sun in Scorpio on the Cusp of Sagittarius
Unlike full-on Scorpio individuals, these people can be more fun-loving and adventurous. Positively, they will be more extroverted and idealistic, which can help them get out into the world and try to make it a better place than what you might see with a typical Scorpio.
Weaknesses of the Sun in Scorpio on the Cusp of Sagittarius
A Scorpio Sun near Sagittarius can pick up some of the authoritarian and fanatical beliefs that plague the shadow side of Sagittarius, which can rob Scorpio of his or her natural willingness to bring about needed change to situations and relationships, leading to a disregard for truth that a full-on Scorpio would normally seek and want to uphold.
Leading with Sagittarius
If you happen to be born “on the side of” Sagittarius, then Sagittarius traits lead your Sun sign expression. The symbol for Sagittarius is the centaur (half-man/half-horse) archer. As the Mutable Fire sign, these individuals adapt by deepening their knowledge, committing to a belief, and exploring the world. They are at their best developing expertise, being the authority regarding knowledge or skills, and teaching others. They must learn to “map their travels” and record their knowledge to manifest their best results. Being near Scorpio makes them more intense and private, which helps these Sagittarius individuals be more reserved and aware of their influence over others.
Strengths of Sun in Sagittarius on the Cusp of Scorpio
Unlike full-on Sagittarius individuals, these people can be willing to pursue the truth even if it changes their beliefs. Positively, they will be more inclined to use knowledge and experience to be healthy agents of change, which can help them be scholars and leaders, making them much more emotionally intelligent than what you might see with a typical Sagittarius.
Weaknesses of the Sun in Sagittarius on the Cusp of Scorpio
A Sagittarius Sun near Scorpio can spend too much time trying to crush the beliefs of others. This comes from the shadow side of Scorpio and can rob Sagittarius of his or her natural honesty and desire for higher truths that work for everyone, leading them to hide knowledge from others for their own selfish gain that a full-on Sagittarius would try to avoid.
The Points Involved: Pluto and Jupiter
Each sign has a ruling astronomical point. Pluto rules Scorpio and Jupiter rules Sagittarius. So, the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp individuals merge or blend Pluto/Jupiter.
Pluto represents your Way of Transforming. Its placement in a Sign and a House reveals how and where we bring about transformation and are transformed as well.
Jupiter represents your Way of Exploring. Its placement in a Sign and a House reveals how we expand and go out into the world to learn from experience.
These individuals will have a more balanced masculine and feminine energy instead of leaning heavily into the feminine energy of Scorpio or the masculine energy of Sagittarius. They can move more comfortably and fluidly with the management of their transformative work (Pluto) and their need to explore and expand (Jupiter).
Scorpio-Sagittarius Cusp Compatibility
Cusp individuals can work very well in relationships because they have a connection to two energies as part of their natural design. Imagine that each sign has its own language. A “pure” Scorpio individual talking to a “pure” Sagittarius individual may really struggle to communicate, the same way someone who only speaks Hungarian might struggle with someone who only speaks English. The cusp individual is bilingual and can speak both languages, which makes them very valuable to society. Essentially, they can translate between signs.
Here we discover why the simple model of compatibility or incompatibility is insufficient to explain real relationships out in the world. There is a good chance that “cusp sign” individuals are involved where two signs that should work well together do not, and two signs that should struggle together, actually work.
In the first case, the influence from one of the extra signs causes friction; and in the second case, one of the extra signs smooths out the friction. Therefore, basic compatibility measures are just starting points for understanding how any two people might relate.
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The Scorpio-Sagittarius individuals have a much wider range of compatibility because they can work well with water and fire signs. And they can complement earth and air signs. If they happen to lead with Scorpio, then they will favor water and earth connections (Cancer, Pisces, Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo). If they happen to lead with Sagittarius, they will favor the fire and air sign connections (Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini).
The Bridge Between
One useful way to understand the progression of the signs, starting with Aries and going all the way through to Pisces, is to see them as a series of evolving steps. Scorpio is the “I transform” sign of the Zodiac and Sagittarius is the “I explore” sign. Individuals with Sun signs in the middle dates and degrees of the sign are here to work on the central energy of that sign. But individuals born on the cusp are here to work on the transition from one energy to another.
Therefore, the Scorpio-Sagittarius cusp individuals are here to learn how to act as “change agents” for everyone and every situation, and to “find and share” their beliefs with the people they meet. On the positive side, this “in-between” cusp energy gives them a broader view. On the negative side, they can feel “caught” in-between, making it harder for them to find a place that is a perfect fit.